Established 12/31/2016. Happy Second Birthday to F3Lutz.
Beautiful morning today. Perfect weather conditions for a birthday beatdown. We did our special 1 hour Monday edition today. 10 PAX posted with 2 FNG’s. Welcome @Bubbles and @Malware. YHC on Q. The flag was planted and the men went to work.
Every one in Plank. They YHC read out loud the 5 core principles of F3.
F3 Workouts…
- Are free of charge
- Are open to all men
- Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
- End with a Circle of Trust
While still in plank, each PAX mentioned 1 goal they want to be accountable for by the PAX in 2019. Most went with a continuation of losing weight and staying fit. ** Remember, the only way that happens is if you continue to post and eat well.
Time for Mosey around the dog park/tennis courts on to the Round About.
- Baby Arm Circles
- Hill Billies
- Pop Squats
- Frankenstein’s
- Wind Mills
Mosey to the Dead End.
- J-Lo’s
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
- Shoulder Taps
- Zebra Kicks
Mosey to Parking Lot and grab a line. Give yourself 2 parking spaces for the next few exercises. Move up to the curb first and…
- Curb Step-Ups Right then Left
- Curb Jumps Right then Left
- Repeat
- Line Jumps Backwards then Forward
- Repeat
Next up is the Bear Crawl around the square. Start with x10 Merkins then Bear Crawl along the parking line towards the curb. At curb do x10 Merkins. Side Bear Crawl to the right 2 parking spaces then x10 Merkins. Crawl Bear along the parking line till the line ends and do x10 Merkins. When done, reverse back to start starting with x10 Merkins. Total of x80 Merkins.
Mosey around the dog park/tennis courts and get in to the Field of Pain.
Circle Up. Next up is the Burpee Wave with High Knees. All PAX High Knees, 1 PAX drops down for x1 Burpee, as he comes up the next PAX drops for his. Do this in sequence for 3-4 rounds.
Next up, Mucho Chesto.
- x10 Regular Merkins
- x10 Wide Merkins
- x10 Diamond Merkins
- x10 Stagger Right Merkins
- x10 Stagger Left Merkins
Stay in the circle, time for Burpees/Knee Tucks. YHC had his trusty iPhone ready. You have 1 minute to complete x5 Burpees, x5 Knee Tucks (jump in the air and bring your knees to your chest). Any time you have left after you complete your set is your rest time. We started with x5, but PAX was doing so well we increased to x7, then x8, then x9, then back down to x5. Total of x5 rounds.
Still in the circle, all PAX on your six. All PAX exercise, 1 PAX runs to do x3 pull-ups at the monkey bars further down, then run back and tag next PAX. Rinse repeat for all PAX. This one took longer than expected, but we got all x10 PAX through.
- Flutter Kicks
- American Hammers
- Big Boy Situps
- Box Cutters
- LBC’s
- Rinse repeat till all x10 PAX do their pull-ups
Slowsy to The Pavillion. All PAX do Balls to the Wall, 1 PAX does Monkey Humpers x5. Once completed, PAX goes back in to Balls to the Wall and the next PAX drops down for his Monkey Humpers. Do this till all x10 PAX complete it.
At this point, YHC was super low on time but still wanted to incorporate a quick Happy Birthday F3Lutz style, so it was time for 12/31/2016 salute.
- x12 Lunges (total)
- x31 Crab Cakes
- x20 Merkins
- x16 Burpees (these were in OT by 1 minute)
Slowsy back to the BB courts for COT. Coffeeteria afterwards.
Total Distance: 1.49 mil.
- Prayers for a safe 2019 celebration tonight.
- Prayers for all DR and those who couldn’t make it out today.
- Prayers for all those setting their goals for 2019. May you get them accomplished.
- Great end to 2018. Another year is in the bag. Good all around growth for F3Lutz. Men getting stronger physically and mentally.
- Have a great 2019 all!
- Check Slack for the nutrition challenge. No better way to start off fresh year.