[F]riendly [N]ew [G]uy Corner


Thanks for coming to the FNG corner! If you haven’t been to your first beatdown check out the different locations (aka AOs) nearest you on the home page or use F3Near Me. Come join us ITG! (in the gloom)

If you’ve attended your first beatdown, congratulations! Make sure you’re sign up and logged into the F3Naturecoast slack. This is where you’ll be able to easier mumble chatter with other PAX, know how to prepare for beatdowns, learn about upcoming events and much more. Take a few moments and look at the content below see what F3 Nation is all about.

  • F3 – What is it? F3 Nation
    • The F3 site provides a lot of great information on what F3 is, what it’s not and how it came to be.
  • F3 Lexicon – F3 Lexicon
    • Here is where you can begin to make sense of all the crazy lingo used in the Gloom (see Lexicon). Here are some common ones you’ll hear thrown around more often
      • PAX: A person. Also refereed to a group of men.
      • HC: Short for the Hard Commit. Used when letting Q know if you will attend a workout 100%.
      • BACK BLAST: Written account of the workout. Usually posted digitally on a website.
      • HIM: Short for High Impact Man.
      • FARTSACKING: Staying in bed instead of Posting.
      • YHC: Short for Your Humble Correspondent. Used when writing Back Blasts.
      • EH: Short for Emotional Headlock. Getting non F3 men to post to a F3 workout, by constant chatting about F3 workout.
      • COFFETERIA: Post-Workout gathering of the PAX for mutual mockery, lying and coffee-drinking.
      • WEINKE: A written list of the Exercises a Q intends to call at a Workout.
      • C.S.A.U.P: Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless aka OCR events, GoRuck events, 5K’s, etc.

We’re excited to have you as part of this amazing community of HIM (High Impact Men) and for the impact you’ll see it have on your life, family, and community.

The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.