With a Q vacancy late into Tuesday night, 4 PAX gathered ITG at the Bone Yard to partake in some leftovers. YHC delivered.
After welcoming Palomino back for his second post, we revisited the five core principles of F3 and kicked the warm-up.
Active Warm-up: Mosey with Arm Circles (front / rear), Chain Breakers, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Side Shuffle (inboard / outboard)
Circle Time (10x each): SSHs, Windmills, Willy Mays Hayes, Frankensteins, Hillbillies, Flutter Kicks, Dolly’s
Once warm, the PAX took their blocks and headed back to school.
Beat Down: Bump & Run
PAX partnered up with one block per pair and executed the “Bump & Run” down and back for the length of the school parking lot, completing ten total poles. Exercises alternated between continuous block movements and fixed-rep calisthenics to set the tempo.
Round 1 — Thrusters (continuous) & Burpees (10x – 50 total pp)
- PAX 1 — Run to the next pole. 10x Burpees. Plank when complete.
- PAX 2 — Thrusters until Burpees are complete. Bump up to PAX 1, drop the block and run to the next pole.
- Repeat until all poles are completed. Slowsy lap recovery.
Round 2 — Block Swings (continuous) & Merkins (15x – 75 total pp)
- PAX 1 — Run to the next pole. 15x Merkins. Al Gore when complete.
- PAX 2 — Block Swings until Merikins are complete. Bump up to PAX 1, drop the block and run to the next pole.
- Repeat until all poles are completed. Slowsy lap recovery.
Round 3 — Bent-over Rows (continuous) & Squat Jumps (20x – 100 total pp)
- PAX 1 — Run to the next pole. 20x Squat Jumps. Plank when complete.
- PAX 2 — Bent-over Rows until Squat Jumps are complete. Bump up to PAX 1, drop the block and run to the next pole.
- Repeat until all poles are completed. Slowsy lap recovery.
Following Round 3, PAX took their blocks and went home.
Upon arriving at The Bone Yard, YHC had delivered the beat down in 45 minutes or less. With three minutes until 0615, Woody suggested we talk about our feelings. Airstream “felt” that we should have completed three more minutes of PT. Unlike yesterday at The Ranch, today’s breathing exercises were burpee-free.
Announcements for the upcoming holiday party at 4PM on Saturday at the Thirsty Buffalo, and to check the 3rd F channel for Christmas gifts still needed by Saturday that Belding is collecting for the Angel Tree giving project. Gratitude for another day and another beat down with this group of men. Thoughts are with those not present. Grant us the strength to get right, live right, lead right and leave right.