Weather was about 100% humidity with no air moving at all. You pretty much sweat just standing outside. 4 PAX posted for the gloom beatdown. It was all about coupons this AM. LB3’s made appearance again. These are the little 19lb’s inner tube sand bags that we use in our workouts (Little Baby Bulgarian Bags).
Disclaimer was given and the PAX was on the move…
The Thang;
Started at the BB courts and mosey with coupons. 2 PAX get coupons and switch during beatdown.
At roundabout;
All IC 12
- Imp Walkers
- Windmills
- Frankenstein’s
- Mountain Climbers
Mosey with coupons to another roundabout;
- Clock Merkins IC 10 (12, 3, 6, 9, 12)/ LBC’s in between (YHC was having a hard time with the last set)
Mosey with coupons to Sunlake Blvd. stop every few light posts and do:
Stop 1
OYO 20
- Shoulder Taps
- Sweat Angels
- Squats / Extra Credit with LB3
- Plank till all PAX done
Stop 2
OYO 20
- Merkins
- Freddy Mercury’s
- Lunges / Extra Credit with LB3
- Plank till all PAX done
Stop 3
OYO 20
- Hammer Curls with LB3
- Dying Cockroach
- Monkey Humpers
- Plank till all PAX done
Stop 4
OYO 20
- Triceps Extensions with LB3
- Plank
- Squat Jumps
- Plank till all PAX done
Mosey back to BB courts, but not before @dillio took over to get his VQ jitters out of the way;
On our way back to the BB courts we stopped 2 more times and @dillio educated us on some new methods of pain.
Stop 1
- Lunge/Squat Combo (lunge forward, as you come up twist and do a squat, rinse/repeat)
Stop 2
- Backwards Duck Walk
Back to BB courts for final pain medicine, per @dillio instructions;
- Side to Side sprints to the 3 different lines on the courts (left, then forward, then right)
- Finish off with all PAX on their 4’s and extend one arm forward and opposite leg outward, IC 10
Total Distance: 2.03 mi
- Prayers were given all around for all men that keep posting and all men that need to get out of their fartsacks
- 2.0’s are back to school now, so we ask that their year starts off great with no issues
- We may be a small F3 group, but we post every beatdown. I know we got in us to spread the word some more and get our ever elusive double digit midget
- Time to get the second F going this month, BBQ is most likely
- Time to talk about doing the third F soon, need to start giving back to community
- @bartman had a great idea to spread F3Lutz word at the next 5k that is taking place in our neck of the woods, we will get a table going with some flyers and market the heck out of us
- YHC is proud to call you men my brothers, I appreciate everyone of you coming out to the beatdowns and striving to be better selves and better fathers and leaders