4 PAX posted for today’s beatdown in the gloom. Nice and humid, time to sweat. Flag was planted, LB3’s were in tow and the disclaimer was given. YHC trying to keep a faster pace today to get the PAX gassed and in pain through out the beatdown.
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The Thang;
All mosey done with 2 LB3 coupons, PAX switch between stops;
Mosey to Roundabout 1; All IC x15
- Baby Arm Circles
- Arm Presses
- Chinooks
- Wind Mills
- Frankenstein’s
Mosey to Roundabout 2; All IC x15
- Lunges
- Pulse Squats
- Monkey Humpers
- One Leg Squats
Mosey Sunlake Blvd; All IC x15
- Merkins
- Mountain Climbers
- Plank Jacks
- Shoulder Taps
- Nolan Ryan’s
Mosey Sunlake Blvd; All IC x15
- LBC’s
- Flutter Kicks
- Box Cutter
- Freddy Mercury’s
- Plank (60 secs.)
Mosey Sunlake Blvd;
- (2 PAX SSH or Plank the other 2 PAX with LB3’s, switch up between exercises)
- Hammer Curls OYO x20
- Overhead Press OYO x20
- Triceps Extensions OYO x20
- 360 Swing OYO x10 right/left
- LB3 Sun Salute OYO x20
Mosey to BB courts;
- 1 round of Merkins along the way OYO x10
Back to BB courts for COT. Ran about 2 minutes past the usual 45 min mark.
Total Distance: 1.85 mi
- Quick thanks for a great week
- Prayers for @no-see-um as he completes his week with the 2.0’s and his better half traveling
- Prayers for fartackers and sad clowns, look for that spark people!
- PAX getting stronger and faster, YHC will push the limits to get even more out of the men
- Proud to lead the men, but always looking for the new Q’s to step up
- Looking for the ever elusive double digit midget, seems so far away though…unless we move to Sarasota 🙂