YHC on Q today. Nice morning to start us off, but humidity was back in action. That didn’t stop the men of Lutz from getting work done. Flag was planted, disclaimer was given. @bartman representing today with EH’ed FNG NotoriousNYC. Great to meet you!
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The Thang;
At BB courts warmup;
All IC (12)
- Imp Walkers
- Frankenstein’s
- Windmills
- Cotton Pickers
Mosey to roundabout;
Aiken Legs with Aiken Chest OYO;
- (x20) Squats
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Curb Jumps
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Lunges (10 each leg)
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Split Jacks (10 each leg)
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Pulse Squats
- (x20) Merkins
Mosey to Sunlake Blvd. with LB3 in tow; Stop along and B L I M P S in the Moonlight; EC with a coupon OYO; Mosey in between stops;
Stop 1
- 5 B-urpees
- 10 L-unges
- 15 I-mperial Walkers
- 20 M-erkins
- 25 P-lank Jacks
- 30 S-quats
Stop 2
- All PAX Plank while 1 PAX does 10 abdominal wheelies; Keep plank till last PAX is done;
Stop 3
- 5 B-ig Boy Sit-ups
- 10 L-egs to Heaven
- 15 I-rkins
- 20 M-ountain Climbers
- 25 P-ulse Squats
- 30 S-weat Angels
Stop 4
- All PAX Plank while 1 PAX does 10 abdominal wheelies; Keep plank till last PAX is done;
Mosey back to BB courts as time was winding down; Stop along for some Air Square as PAX was lagging behind a bit;
- Bear Crawl across BB court
- Crawl Bear back to starting point
Total Distance: 1.37 mil
- Thanked for the lower than expected damage from Irma
- Prayed for those affected by the Irma with power loss, home damage, etc
- Asked that @dillio get good info and counsel on his business thing that popped up
- Asked for the elusive spark for the fartsackers
- Great job by @bartman on getting a FNG NotoriousNYC to post with us today, he rocked it through the whole beatdown
- YHC is always trying to push the beatdowns and looks like the PAX is handling it really well, super proud of men of Lutz
- Trying to get back to normal after the Irma thing