King of the Prison Yard, Without the Prison Part

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Back Blasts

QIC: No-ski
PAX POSTED: no-ski, no-see-um, DBA, Dillio, NotoriousNYC, haka, bartman, down-under

Nice and cool this AM for a beatdown at #TheRanch. 8 #HIM posted to have some fun in the rain. YHC on Q. It was time to test out some new pain delivery today with the Prison Burps (see below for explanation).

Flag was planted, and disclaimer was given. Men of F3Lutz went to work…

The Thang

Mosey around dog park, then head for the parking lot. Circle up.

  • 4×4’s OYO x10 (1 rep consists of hands up, drop to plank, x4 merkins, x4 imp wlkrs, hands up).

Still at the parking lot, spread and grab a line.

  • Bear Crawl Squares (start on the curb, bear crawl to your right one parking space, then use parking line to crawl bear, then bear crawl left one parking space, then bear crawl up the line back to curb) /rinse and repeat x2 one after another. 
  • Curb Jumps/Line Jumps /rinse and repeat x1.

Mosey around dog park, back to the parking lot again.

  • Prison Burps 10 > 1 (All PAX lined up on one side. Run about 30 yrds. stop, do x10 Burpees, run back to starting point and do x9 Burpees. Keep doing back and forth till x1 Burpee). ***@haka absolutely destroyed this exercise and was crowned King of the Prison Yard.

Mosey towards Sunlake Blvd with our coupon aka BB3 (40lb sand bag). Each exercise is a stop, once done we plank till all PAX done. BB3 gets passed off to the next PAX to carry to next stop.

  • LBC’s OYO x50
  • Box Cutters OYO x50
  • American Hammers OYO x50
  • Crab Cakes OYO x50
  • Shoulder Taps OYO x50

Turn back towards BB courts.

  • Mountain Climbers OYO x50
  • Plank 80 secs. Each PAX counts to 10 (some slower than others)
  • Merkins OYO x40
  • Derkins OYO x40
  • Irkins OYO x40

Back at BB courts just in time for COT.

Total Distance: 1.95 mi


  • Prayers for @down-under and his M’s recovery from surgery
  • Prayers for the PAX to be stronger leaders at home and work


  • Got a pretty good core group on men posting for the beatdowns. As usual, very proud to be able to Q for them when possible. I can smell the DDM around the corner…
  • @haka might have to be renamed to The Beast, dude is on point and will be running Q in no time, so PAX get ready for it!
  • Great job by @no-see-um on representing F3 in Spartan Run and completing it!! Not an easy task to complete as we heard the story during mumble chatter today.
  • Speaking of mumble chatter, it was good! Great to hear the PAX conversing in between breathing heavily.
  • Tough Mudder this Saturday!
  • Late BB today cause YHC was in Orlando all day and came home late… 🙂