A picture perfect day for a beat down. The flag was planted and since we had 3 FNG’s we read a disclaimer. For the first time ever we made it to double digits! We did not do a warm up and we went straight to work.
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The Thang:
Mosey around both traffic circles.
At second traffic circle we mustered up.
Indian run to first lake gate.
At gate the following exercises were done on your own
20 Dips
20 Merkins
20 Irkins
20 Dirkins
Mosey to second gate and a rinse and repeat of first gate
Mosey to far side of the lake.
Set of Blimps
Mosey to the bridge
30 Lunges
30 Squats
30 Monkey Humpers
Mosey across bridge
5 Burpees followed by a 10 second sprint followed by 5 Burpees and another 10 second sprint.
Mosey through park and to the BB courts for circuit training.
All exercises were 45 seconds long with a ten second break to rotate. The following exercises were performed.
Battle Rope Slam
Mountain Climbers
Battle Rope Wave Circles
Freddy Mercuries
Ab Wheel
Battle Rope Double Waves
Battle Rope Alternating Waves
Heavy Bag Lunges
Heavy Bag Squats
Slam Ball Over Head Press And Slam
Slam Ball Sit Up
We finished up the last minute with sprints
Total Distance: 2.30 miles
Prayers for our veterans, thanks to the 3 FNG’s
Crazy efforts by all. So proud of the way everyone worked though some tough exercises. Its a complete honor to Q our first double digit midget!!! I know all will be sore later. I hope the 3 FNG’s come on a regular basis. While this is our first double digit midget I know it will not be the last!!