Bruce Lee and Pickle Crates

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Back Blasts

QIC: dillio
PAX POSTED: no-ski, dillio, needles, no-see-em, bartman, dba, notorious nyc, frisbee, haka, curb


20 Lunge

20 Merkins

Baby Arm Circles

Mosey to Circle

Bear Crawl around Circle, 5 Burpees at each line (45 total)

Mosey to end of road

Bruce Lee Abs:

  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 20 Leg Raises
  • American Hammer
  • Heal Taps
  • Freddy Mercury
  • LBC

Last Up Run to the first gate of lake

Find some bricks

40 Dips

25 Jumps Ups

20 Dirkins

20 Stepup

2 Irkins

Mosey around lake with stops

  1. 20 Crab Cakes
  2. 20 Merkins
  3. Circle Plank with 5 second count all around
  4. Fast feet in a circle with circle burp
  5. Another set of Bruce lee
  6. Last up to the end run

Field of Pain

Sprints forward and back

Irkin and Dirkins on crates

Side run up and back

One arm merkin on crates both sides 10 each

Inchworm with 5 merkins down hill and back up

Side shuffle left up and back

Backward lunges up and down hill X 2

One final set of bruce lee’s

Wall Squats for 3 min

Last two standing battle it out with balls to the wall

Frisbee winner

Count off


Great Beat Down!

Welcome, Curb!