What a fantastic day for a beatdown, its been a few weeks since YHC’s last Q so I was pumped to get this one going. Flag was planted and Men went straight to work. Minus those who HC’d but failed to post. No names will be mentioned but penalty of my choice are forthcoming.
Sumo Squat
1-legged Romanian Deadlift
Frog Sprawl
Side shuffle
Quad pullbacks
Hamstring floor sweeps
First up was an EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute) circuit. Every minute the followinf exercises were to be completed with the remainder of the minute used for rest.
6 split jack
6 frog sprawl
6 tuck jump
We did 2 rounds of 5 minutes. with a 60 sec rest period in between.
Quick cool down mosey.
Burpee Time! @Spongebob’s favorite.
Burpee Tabata (20 sec work, 10 sec rest) for 4 minutes (8 rounds)
Men circled up on a COP and Grouper was called to the center. Since it was his Birthday he was instructed to get to 100 burpees and if he did he would not age another year. Needless to say he will be turning 33 tomorrow.
Quick cool down mosey to the deadend of death.
Next up was a 20min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
20 Min AMRAP:
● 5 Jump Squats
● 10 LBC
● 15 Push Ups
● 20 Squats
● 25 yard Bear Crawl
● 100 yard Run
● 25 yard Bear Crawl
YHC was called out for forgetting to do the 25 yard bear crawl 3 times! YHC will own it and perform the penalty.
Cool down mosey back to the courts with 4 minutes to spare. We got on all 6 and did capatin thor until time ran out.
Ratio of 1:4 of Big Boy Situp: American Hammers. 1:4, 2:8, 3:12…
Done. Great Job today by All. Sure was a sweat fest.
Thankful to be out here with such great men of character. Lets keep building it up.
Thanks for the continued thought for my SIL. Much appreciated. Means a lot to me and my family.
July – looking to get PAX down to F3 Suncoast (Lakewood Ranch) sometime in July to Q a workout.
CSAUP: looking to do another GoRuck even in Sept and November. Stay tuned to slack for those details.
PT testing: It is scheduled for 6/23. If you have a Q between now and then, please keep this in mind. Need to keep training the squats, merkins, sit ups, and mile run.