9 PAX posted for the 9/11 anniversary workout. The flag was planted. An explanation was given about the workout. Signs were posted though out the workout route. They listed the incident and the number of people that passed. It was explained to the PAX that each repetition represented a life that was lost. That was a mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter that never came home on 9/11. These actions were meant to remember the fallen in a respectful way and to remind the PAX exactly what happened on 9/11. Since we are all veterans we went straight to work.
Mosey to the first round about for our warm ups. All were 15 counts IC.
Cotton Pickers
Baby Arm Circles.
Mosey to Sunlake. That’s where we reflected on the following:
American Airlines Flight#11 Boston to LA 8:46 am struck the North Tower. All 82 People on board perished.
20 Salute Planks
20 Plank Jacks
20 Crab Cakes
22 Crab Humpers
Mosey 1/4 mile At that location we reflected on:
United Airlines Flight #175 Boston to LA 9:03 am struck the South Tower. All 55 people on board perished.
30 Monkey Humpers
25 Squats
Mosey 1/4 mile at that location we reflected on:
American Airlines Flight #77 Dulles Virginia to LA. 9:37 am struck the Pentagon. All 54 people on board perished.
54 LBC’s
54 Freddy Mercuries
Mosey 1/4 mile at that location we reflected on the following:
United Airlines Flight #93 Newark to San Francisco. 10:03 am crashed into a field in Shanksville PA. All 35 people on board perished.
It was said that the passengers said “Lets Roll” as they overtook the terrorists. So to honor them we worked as a team and did:
35 Seal Team Sit Ups
Mosey 1/4 mile
At that location we reflected on the 23 NYPD officers who died in the line of duty
23 Burpees
Mosey 1/4 mile
At that location we reflected on the 37 Port Authority Police Officers who died in the line of duty
37 Mountain Climbers
37 Shoulder Taps
Mosey to dead end off of Sunlake
At that location we reflected on the 343 New York City Fireman who died in the line of duty.
We did 21’s however instead we started at 17
17/1 Merkins to Squats all the way to 17/1 Squats to Merkins. We added 3 extra squats at the end to total 343 repetitions.
Mosey and Indian Run back to the BB courts where we ended our workout with a reminder that after all we did in our workout we barley scratched the surface of what happened. Another 66 people died in the Pentagon. Over 2400 others died in the World Trade Center. It was a very sobering moment.
As always prayers for Michelle, her family, Haka and his wife. Congrats and prayers for Needles who announced that they have baby #2 on the way. Prayers for the families that lost their loved ones on 9/11.
It was great to get back out there today. I have been dealing with a right knee injury for weeks now. It gets better and then worse. Very frustrating. I really miss the guys. I considered todays workout to be a honor that I will never forget. As someone who was down at the WTC for weeks after the 9/11 attack I took this workout personally.