A beautiful but quite breezy morning greeted the men of F3 Lutz and their 2.0’s this morning. 17 total pax were on hand and ready to put in work this am. What a great way to start out a weekend by experiencing all three F’s on a Saturday morning here at #TheRanch!
YHC first welcomed the group and went over a few basics. Disclaimer was given and while holding the Al Gore the Five Core Principles were recited. Now on to the workout!
A quick mosey to roundabout for the following done IC:
-SSH, Baby Arm Circles, Windmills, Mountain Climbers
Litter Pick-up:
Next No-Ski explained how F3 meant a lot more than just getting together and working out (Fitness). And that part of the Fellowship and Faith portions of F3 meant that we give back to the community so we split into 2 groups and moseyed on each side of LLR Blvd for litter pick up. Rotate in between light poles Jog/Walking Lunges while spotting litter and picking up. When everyone gets to Sunlake, staying on their side of sidewalk (and planking for the six) – 10 Merkins (IC). We then went in opposite directions doing Frankensteins/Jog to one light pole then mosey back to the FOP! (Very mindful of 2.0’s and staying on sidewalk for safety!!!)
Wall Sits/Hand Stands (BtoW): – to the pavilion……partner up making sure one Dad and one 2.0 together.
Round 1: Wall Sits for 30 count for P1, while P2 does AMRAP Burpees (Watch for ANTS!)
Round 2: Hand Stands for 30 count for P1 while P2 does AMRAP Monkey Humpers
Four Corners:
Split into two teams as evenly as possible. Teams will go in opposite directions.
(Run first) Cone 1 – 10 LBC’s
Cone 2 – 10 Merkins
Cone 3 – 10 Squats
Cone 4 – 10 OH Claps
Tunnel of Love:
Split into 2.0’s group and Dad’s group………race time. Must go through the Tunnel twice!
*Our 2.0’s had a little trouble with this so the Dads really smoked them but it was rather fun watching each of them get down and dirty with their Army crawls!
Ultimate Relay:
Dads vs 2.0’s – Split into teams with all dads on one team and 2.0’s on the other. Down and back relay where dads carry two cinder blocks to end point while 2.0s just run and everyone has to do 5 Burpees then back…………those waiting their turn have to do SSH/Plank/Six Inches/Al Gore/Flutters,etc.
*Time was really sneaking up on us so we finished the morning off with 8 minutes of the Mystery Bucket
Mystery Bucket:
All circle up with mystery bucket in center that had multiple exercises on one piece of paper and numbers on another. One Dad and 2.0 go to center and draw one number/one exercise…….we all perform and then jog one lap around outer cones.
*This was a fun one of the 2.0’s until No-Ski almost forced everyone to do 20 Burpees……a quick audible was called and the number was changed to 5.
-Prayers for Nailtastic and Do Work’s grandad who is having back surgery on Monday morning.
-Prayers for all those affected by the bad storm/tornado that swept through LLR on Friday afternoon.
-Prayers for those DR and Fartsacking as they missed out on a great morning of fun.