7 PAX posted for another Thursday edition beatdown in the gloom here at #TheRanch. Weather was just right, but mosquitoes were out for vengeance today. The flag was planted, and the men of F3Lutz went to work. YHC had plenty of Merkins listed on his winke. Post beatdown, according to @no-see-um, it was a March Merkin Madness warm-up…
Let’s Mosey! Around dog park/tennis courts and back to BB courts.
Warmup Time.
- Imp Walkers
- Frankenstein’s
- Cotton Pickers
- Baby Arm Circles
- Sumo Squats
- Clerkins
At this time @murphy arrived (we might rename him to Tardy), so YHC asked for an SSH till he gets out of the car and joins us. For some reason @murphy took a lot longer to get out of the car then what YHC had assumed it would take, so we started to Mosey. But first, pick up a coupon (weight vest) and then Mosey to the Dead End.
Time for Aiken Legs with Aiken Chest. All OYO.
- (x20) Squats
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Curb Jumps
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Lunges
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Split Jacks
- (x20) Merkins
- (x20) Pulse Squats
- (x20) Merkins
When done, SSH till all PAX are done.
Mosey back to BB courts.
Line up behind YHC in the right-hand corner and time to Bear Crawl around the court. Start with side, then backward, then the other side, then finish with forward.
Quick water break and time to…
BLIMPS in the Moonlight.
Round 1
- x10 B-urpees
- x20 L-unges
- x30 I-mperial Walkers
- x40 M-erkins
- x50 P-lank Jacks
- x60 S-quats
Pick up a coupon and Mosey around dog park/tennis courts.
Round 2
All PAX Plank. 1 PAX does 10 abdominal wheelies with the abdominal wheel. While all PAX took turns on the wheel, YHC had the rest of the PAX do various planks. Elbows, one arm, one leg, some Merkins, some J-Low’s, etc.
Pick up a coupon and Mosey around dog park/tennis courts.
Round 3
- x10 B-ig Boy Sit-ups
- x20 L-egs to Heaven
- x30 I-rkins (using a bench)
- x40 M-ountain Climbers
- x50 P-eter Parkers
- x60 S-weat Angels
But wait….there is more! Since @murphy arrived late, he was given a x10 Burpee penalty by YHC. This will be his new punishment going forth if he is late. As always, the PAX did the penalty as well.
Total Distance: 1.56 mil
- Prayers and thanks for all men attending the beatdowns on regular basis.
- Prayers for @haka and the M for a healthy baby boy.
- Prayers for those DR, fartsacking, or other unforeseen circumstances.
- Always thankful for all PAX who post.
- We are looking to do a CSAUP and 2nd F shortly, stay tuned on Slack for more info.
- March is upon us! Let’s get the attendance up again men!