4 PAX posted for a Saturday morning beatdown. The weather was just right. When YHC arrived, the flag was already planted by @dba who couldn’t attend today. No disclaimer needed today, all regulars.
Mosey around dog park/tennis courts.
- Baby Arm Circles
- Imperial Walkers
- Sumo Squats
- Cotton Pickers
- Inch Worms
This is where YHC explained that he didn’t really put together the beatdown with St. Patricks day in mind, but that we will go off the reservation and look for the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow.
Indian Run to Sunlake Blvd.
At first light post.
- Bruce Lee
Next, it’s time for the Burpee Mile to “The Hill”. x5 Burpees every second light post. YHC didn’t count the number of light posts used, but it must have been around 10-12.
After arriving at “The Hill” time for quick rest by doing another…
- Bruce Lee
Next it’s time for some lucky 7’s.
- x7 Box Jumps
- x21 (cause 3×7 is 21) Dips
- x7 Derkins (YHC got confused and insisted that Derkins are Irkins…PAX corrected YHC and all was good again)
Another set of…
- x7 Step-ups (per leg)
- x21 Dips
- x7 Irkins
Next YHC sized up the concrete walkway around “The Hill”. It was just right. PAX walked over to the starting point and it was time to:
- Bear Crawl around the sidewalk, then to top of the hill
- At the hill:
- x7 Merkins
- x7 Shoulder Taps (per shoulder)
- x7 Plank Jacks
- Crawl Bear down the hill and back to the starting point on the sidewalk
- At the starting point:
- x7 Merkins
- x7 Shoulder Taps (per shoulder)
- x7 Plank Jacks
Next, it’s time to partner up for some B.O.M.B.S. P1 exercise, P2 run around the hill. All exercises are cumulative. YHC had to cut this one shorter as we were running out of time. We only got through B.O.M.
- x50 Burpees
- x100 Overhead Claps
- x150 Merkins
Mosey back to BB courts, but on the way back we made up some Big Boy Situps. You could call it the Big Boy Situp Mile. Every second light post, x10 BBS.
Arrived at the BB courts at 8:32.
Total Distance: 3.03 mil
- Prayers for all that are DR.
- Prayers for @haka and his M.
- Prayers for @vanellope friend.
- Prayers for @dba, speedy recovery on the shoulder brother.
- Second F was attended by 5 PAX. YHC couldn’t make it this time, but good times were had!
- We have lower numbers for attendance, but this will not discourage the men from getting beatdowns in.
- Fun times at post-beatdown coffeeteria today. Great to see @haka who couldn’t make the beatdown today.