Team Weenies decided to get in a double dose of mini beatdowns this Thursday. Love the motivation coming from the not so Sneaky Petes.
Part 1:
Pre-beatdown @Grouper (on Q today) showed up at the FOP around 4:50am to set up for stations of pain, as our first mini BD was starting at 5am sharp.
@Grouper, @Flat Tire, @DBA and @ Belding all in attendance
450 leg raises under the Pavillion – not so sneaky
Part 2:
Knowing the Sneaky Pete’s would be putting up points, we decided to go off the reservation this time to visit @Belding and @Malware in their driveway.
7pm in Land O Lakes we were able to put up and additional 450 leg raises, this time with 5 PAX in attendance: @Grouper, @DBA, @Flat Tire, @ Belding and Malware
Ended it with a couple of cold brews and some good fellowship afterward.
Also found a group of 4 Sneaky Petes in @Belding’s back yard that we decided to assign second names to appropriately (see photo).
Special tribute to @Sanka took place on the way back to LLR for those that did not see the note in the regular BB. Video to follow.
Thanks men for the hard work and dedication today. We need to keep pushing, because @Haka will be back next week from his ‘Vacation’ (I’ve never known a vacation to include that many burpees).
TOTAL REPS ON THE DAY = 900 LEG RAISES (only 450 for Malware)