Back Blast 06-01-2019
4 PAX posted on a great 90% humid gloomy morning.
No disclaimer needed and off for the Warmup
Mosey to round about.
Windmills x10 IC
Franensteins X10 IC
Baby arm circles X 10 IC
Cotton Pickers X10 IC
Merkins x10 IC
Mosey Back to Field of Pain
The Thing
48 seconds of work 12 seconds of rest. Rotate stations for a total of 4 rounds at each station.
R-everse crunch
A-ir squat
U-p downs
A-merican hammers
T-urkish get ups
I-nch worm with merkin
O-bama—bear crawl. 4 hands. Stop do 4 Merkins
N-o surrender—standing w hands behind head down to knees and stand back up.
Graduation. Endo gets a D for spelling because at the end thought we spelled out “Congratulations”. Vanellope gets a B since it only took 2 rounds to figure it out.
Slowsey towards the dock for some work in the Lake of Pain but Vanellope was afraid of the the Gator.
So to the pool we went. Thanks to the guy we EH’d since Endo “forgot” his key.
All PAX will did Ab exercise while 1 PAX swims down and back in the pool. Rotate until all PAX have swam.
Back to courts.
Prayers for those traveling this weekend.
Strength for those Fartsacking to slay the dragon and get back out.
Prayers for Haka and Apnea and their M’s and 2.0’s.
Blessing for Maleware and his graduation from high school. Belding is proud of him as he departs on the next phase of life. Keep making good decisions and do well.