Mosey toward the main roundabout but kept going until we got to Sunlake blvd
Frankensteins X 15 IC
CottonPickers X 15 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Reverse X 10 IC
Air Presses X 10 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
The Thang
Alternating Mucho Chesto/Bruce Lee at each light post
Starting at the first light post on sun lake, we ran to the second light post (toward 54), stopped to perform the first exercise of mucho chesto, then ran to the third to perform the first exercise of Bruce Lees, and so on. All exercises done listed below.
20 Standard Merkins
20 Flutter Kicks
20 Wide Merkins
20 Leg Lifts
20 Diamond Merkins
20 Dying Cockroaches
20 Stagger Left Merkins
20 American Hammers
20 Stagger Right Merkins
20 Freddie Mercuries
10 Burpees (instead of repeating the mucho chesto)
20 LBCs
After our last set, we did 25 left oblique crunches, 25 right oblique crunches, and 25 LBCs
Time to head back
Catch me if you can with last PAX doing 10 Merkins
YHC decided to be last PAX first and did 10 merkins while the other two moseyed along sun lake. Planned to do this for two cycles but the men had another idea; Challenge the Q. Grouper and Vanellope sprinted instead of moseying so when YHC finished the merkins and looked up, they were already two light posts ahead. Didn’t catch up until the fourth light post after a dead sprint so once the two ran their sets, an audible was called a little more than half way back and one set of Bruce Lees was done.
Moseyed to the next light post then sprinted to the next, moseyed to the next and then sprinted to the last light post at the corner of sunlake and long lake ranch.
SheHateMe (2 sets)
10 Lunges per Leg
10 Burps (aka Groiner)
10 Merkins
Regular mosey to the playground
25 Gas Pumps on the path
Morning Call on the playground with each PAX doing 10 pullups while other two did 10 merkins each time
Mosey to the nearby bench for Russian Dips X 20 IC
Mosey to the pavilion for Wall Squats with each PAX doing 10 Air Presses one at a time for two full cycles.
Dirty Hookup X 10 IC
Mosey around the dog park back to the courts for the last four minutes:
YHC had each PAX call out their own core exercise to be done IC
Grouper called Box Cutters X 20 IC
Vanellope called Sweat Angels X 20 IC
YHC called Z-Packs X 10 IC
Great workout today including the challenge during Catch Me If You Can
Prayers for YHC’s M, SIL, and Grandfather-IL
Prayers for Vanellope’s friend
Prayers for Sanka
Prayers for Haka and his M
Prayers for all those PAX DR, that may be going through tough times, and all that couldn’t make it today.