With all veterans present, no disclaimer needed and we were off:
Mosey to main roundabout for the following, all performed IC
SSH X 20
Frankensteins X 15
Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10
Baby Arm Circles Reverse X 10
Peter Parkers X 15
Merkins X 10
Indian run along LLR blvd towards sun lake blvd.
Apple Turnover
Moving towards 54 along sunlake blvd, PAX bear crawled for 4 lines on the side walk, flipped to a crab walk for 4 lines, bear crawled for three lines, crab walked for three lines, bear crawled for 2 lines, crab walked for 2 lines, bear crawled for one line, and crab walked for one line.
Slosey to the next light post for the next exercise
Santa’s Ladder
Routine set between two light posts. All PAX ran from light post 1 to light post 2, did 10 burpees, then returned to light post 1. Repeat four more times but doing one less burpee each time (9, 8, 7, 6). Once we got to 5, switched to merkins for sets 5 through 1. All burpees and merkins were done at light post 2.
Vanellope was in the lead for the burpees but grouper was able to slow him down just a little bit when we switched to merkins by telling him we needed to go to light post 3. SSH until the six was in.
YHC told all PAX to relax once we finished the last merkin.
Bad news was we had to repeat the exercise but good news was we reversed the order. In this new set, we started with Merkins as the 10-6 set and finish with Burpees as 5-1. YHC found this exercise in the Exicon which stated: “This routine started when a Jacob’s Ladder was about to occur, and the Q asked since we were going to 10, which would the PAX prefer – Merkins or Burpees? Santa answered he’d like to split halfway, so the Q obliged. Then the Q announced uneven gains required doing it again in reverse. If executed properly — with the thought it’s only a single 10-1 set — it’s even more of a real crowd pleaser.”
Slosey back to the corner of sunlake blvd and LLR blvd followed by a mosey to the playground for a combination of a Bruce Lee set and 6 sets of 5 pull-ups or 5 reverse rows. PAX performed one set of Bruce Lees but ran to the playground to do 5 pull-ups or 5 reverse rows between each exercise.
Slosey to the Pavilion for one set of Russian Dips IC X 15.
Mosey back to the Courts for some core work
20 Box Cutters IC
10 Gas Pumps IC
Great job by all PAX. NAME-O-RAMA done with PAX on their six or sitting down as we were all gassed.
Thankful again for this great group of men and for everyone pushing and encouraging each other.
Prayers for Haka, his M and family with their new 2.0.
Prayers for all those PAX DR, that may be going through tough times, and all that couldn’t make it today.
YHC was glad to be back after being out of the country for a week and being able to lead today’s beatdown without spilling merlot but was definitely winded.