What a gorgeous, beautiful, slightly muggy and warm morning here at F3 Lutz!! Four pax (DBA, Endo, Grouper and YHC) out early for a pre-beatdown ruck and didn’t take long to work up a lather………did YHC mention it was just a little warm 😊
YHC knew he wanted to go off the reservation today for just a bit and the HoH seemed like a good choice. Although today the Hill of Hell may be renamed the F’ing Ant Hill.
7:30 am and all six pax ready to GATA (Apnea was our ½ pax today as he showed up about halfway through b/c of a dump run he had to take)…..YHC had all pax go straight into plank for the Disclaimer & the Five F3 Core Principles. All students passed with flying colors.
Mosey to Sunlake for the start of 15 minute warm-up: (All IC)
- Squats x 10
- OH Claps x 10
- Merkins x 10
Indian Run now to second fire hydrant heading towards Stonebriar…..muhahahaha (the pax were slowly figuring out what was happening here)
- SSH x 10
- Copperhead Squats x 10
- Air Press x 10
Indian Run to the next cross street (😊)……
- Burpees x10 (IC)
- Frankenstein’s on the move to next light pole
- Imp. Walkers on the move to next fire hydrant
Mosey to HOH and let the fun begin! YHC had strategically placed cinder blocks and a sand bag around the bottom of the hill early this am prior to the pre-beatdown ruck.
*Quick sip of some super cold H2O YHC had waiting for the pax*
Dora 123
- 100 Merkins
- 200 LBCs
- 300 Squats
P1 – Exercises while P2 runs to top of hill with cinder block.
*At least once during the Dora each pax have to take the 50 lbs sand bag to top of hill (instead of block)….and more for some EC!
Sevens up and over the HoH:
- Split Jacks/Monkey Humpers with one Burpee at top.
*At some point during the Sevens, there was a sizable ant hill discovered by DBA. Although it wasn’t long before many more pax were yelling at the ants and it did not end there.
After another quick sip and it was time to head back towards Flag/BB Courts.
- Flutters
- Box Cutters
- Banana / Superman
*Remember them Damn Ants…….more of them were after the pax as YHC and Endo got bit multiple times on this stop!
- Freddie Mercuries
- American Hammers
After another mosey down LLR blvd, YHC gave instructions to the pax that it would be AYG once passing the roundabout. There were some perplexing looks but Apnea whispered what it meant and it was on………..All You Got back to the flag and Grouper looked like he was shot out of a cannon. Vanellope, Apnea and YHC not far behind.
Once all pax made their way back to courts it was 8:30!
- Apnea and M……things going great and little one kicking up a storm.
- Prayers for 2.0’s as school starting back up this week.
- Vanellope’s 2.0s B-Day party today!!!
- Prayers for each pax and their families for a safe rest of their weekend.
- Lots of life from the pax today……….not that they had any choice with the amount of ground there was to cover today 😊
- YHC just thankful the ants on the Hill didn’t start biting during the Dora or it would’ve been an even longer day!
- All pax pushed hard today and awesome to see all the encouragement from each other.
- Possible evening ruck tomorrow or next Sunday with a little liter pick up incorporated in (3rd F)….stay tuned to Slack!