9 PAX in attendance this hot and humid 75 degree morning in the gloom.
One FNG and straight to work. YHC encouraged all PAX to hydrate as we wouldn’t be back for a while and after a quick disclaimer we were off to the races.
Mosey to traffic circle
SSH IC x 20
Cotton Pickers IC x 10
Frankenstein IC x 10
Merkins IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 15
Salute Planks IC x 15
Mosey down Nature View
Mucho Chesto
20 Big Boy Sit-ups
Circle of death – exercise at 3 traffic crossings
10 split jacks (total), 20 Merkins, 30 American hammers
(5 to 6 total sets)
SSH, plank and Al Gore while waiting for 6
Mosey down to lake
Bear crawl across bridge
Alternate on my Q
Mosey around lake
20 mountain climbers
30 squats
20 plank jacks
Another stop as we approach old model homes- rinse and repeat
20 mountain climbers
30 squats
20 plank jacks
Indian run / reverse Indian run to dock
20 Irkins
30 step ups (total)
20 Dirkins
Mosey back to b-ball courts
Finish with 10 Burpees
Welcome FNG- Juliet
Prayers for all PAX and families
Great time Sunday participating in 3rd F at Ronald McDonald House and 2nd F Afterward
Prayers for @Apnea, M and 2.0 on the Way
Looking forward to @Endo’s spooky Halloween beatdown this Thursday.