Quick disclaimer given and off for a short Mosey after grabbing a block out of the trucks. Back to the courts for some warmup.
SSH x 15IC
Frankenateins x 10 IC
windmills x 10 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC
squats and Merkins x10 oyo and plank up
Everyone grabbed some water and off to the FOP for some block work.
overhead press by the wall
mosey to the other end
monkey humpers
…. and 50 flutter kicks at the MH end
finish up in the parking lot for 19 more monkey humpers and OH press for a cool 250 reps
finshed up for the last 45 seconds with shoulder taps
Apnea his M and 2.0 that will be here tonight
No see ums family for quick recovery from brain surgery