Nice, crisp and light breezy morning here at #TheRanch and 7 pax (including YHC) decided to take the #DRP and have some fun. However, little did the pax know that their young lost-long friend Dora would be making an appearance later in this am’s beatdown.
Nonetheless, the Disclaimer was given and pax were ready to roll promptly at 5:30 am.
Warmup: (All IC)
SSH x15
Hillbillies x15
Merkin x15
Plank Jacks x15
Squats x15
Baby Arm Circles x10
Mosey to other roundabout for quick round of Circle Burp.
Indian Run around dog park/tennis courts back to BB Courts….with Bear Crawl, Lunges, Crab Walks, Duck Walk, Bear Crawl instead of the usual mosey……last man still sprinting to the front.
*Seemed as though each pax had their own preference on direction for the Crab Walk!!
Quick sip and on to the FOP/Pavillion for……………(drumroll)……..
Demented Dora
*For the record, there can be lots of variation with this moving forward and YHC probably took it a little easy on the pax with the 300 Wall Taps………just saying.
P1: sprints to trashcan and does 1 Burpee
P2: Exercise
P2: sprints to trashcan and does 2 Burpees
P1: Exercise
Burpees all the way to 10 and then back down the ladder to 1.
First Round “100” – 3 full Balls 2 Wall per pax….while the partner is sprinting and doing his set of burpee(s)
200 Wall Donkey Kicks
300 Wall Taps
*This started to take its toll when YHC realized it wasn’t that easy to keep track of the count on both burpees and on the appointed exercise at the wall!! Every pax pushed themselves hard here and big props to Haka for continuing to alternate B2W and Wall Sits until all pax complete.
Out to FOP where partners plank 50 yards apart…..P1 sprints and picks up P2 and partner carries/fireman carries him to other end and then sprints back. The other partner does the same.
Next YHC had the pax get about 40 yards apart and do the buddy drag!!!
Back to the BB Courts for 5 Minutes Of Mary (MOM)
No-See-Um – LBC’s
Flat Tire – Sweat Angels
Haka – Peter Parker’s
DBA – Box Cutters
Belding – Superman’s
Grouper – American Hammers
Rockwell – Waterfall Merkins up to 5
*RW trying to test the group’s stamina with the last exercise but it was a great finish to a great morning sweat-fest.
-Prayers for Belding and some family issues.
-Prayers for Rockwell’s father-in-law and family situation.
-Thoughts, prayers and good vibes for Flat Tire’s M in search of new job.
-Prayers for a very Happy Birthday to YHC’s 8 year old sweetie pie Kenzie!
-The ladies bootcamp always seems to have quality music playing on Tuesday/Thursday am……..not necessarily great workout music as a few pax commented, but good tunes usually! This may be because the pax typically have NO tunes playing to motivate us 😊
-Several pax seemed to like the partner carry and buddy drag at the end of the workout today……maybe there will be a relay using those two exercise in the near future……..maybe it could be on the 21st at the Ugly PJ party…😊😊😊
-3rd F – December 21 for Meals on Wheels….leaving from BB Courts at 8:10 sharp. BD that day will be moved to 6-7 am.
-2nd F – December 21 – Ugly PJ Party at DBA’s!!! $10 per White Elephant Gift and maybe special surprise for couple voted Best Ugly PJ’s at the party.
-Lastly, don’t forget about Adopt-A-Family for Christmas gifts if you are participating………..check slack for details from Haka on when these will be delivered.
*Awesome work today men and always proud to lead you all!!!