Q: No-See-Um
Pax: Haka, Solo, Grouper, Endo, Vanellope, Miley, Anchorman, Flat Tire, Belding, No-See-Um
Weather conditions: Low 70’s, humidity (high) and a very light breeze (maybe….just a little).
YHC had the men of F3 Lutz meet at the Hill of Hell this am and was excited to see the two wicked witches of Concord Station riding their bikes to the beatdown…….a solid 4+ miles. They appeared to let go of each other’s hands just as YHC gave ‘em a whistle 😊
Flag was planted on top of the Hill, disclaimer was given and off on a mosey we went towards Stonebrier’s amenity center.
Warm-up: (All IC)
- Walkers x 10
- Frankensteins x 10
- Merkins x 10
- Plank Jacks x 10
- Baby Arm Circles x 10
- Seal Claps x 10
SCOUT run the rest of the way to Stonebriar soccer field for a set of Lt. Dans up to 5 Squats/20 Lunges then 10 Burpees (IC) and repeat Lt. Dans 5/20.
Partner up now with a count off from 1-5……while keeping our social distancing in order.
The Thang (part UN)
Burpees X50
Overhead claps x 100
Mountain climbers x150
Bobby Hurleys x200
SSH x250
This was a fun, yet taxing set of exercise as the men were able to watch a sharp shooting high school girl on the BB courts hone her skills. As she eventually was done with her morning shoot around, YHC had the men mosey up closer to the courts as they would be utilized after the set of BOMBS were finished 😊
One set of Suicides on court……Grouper set the pace but in the end it appeared Vanellope turned on the jets to edge him out by a nose.
Slowsey/Mosey back towards HoH with an Indian Run mixed in half way back.
The Thang (part DEUX)
Tour De Hill
Thanks to Miller Time (F3 Alpha) for the idea and this sucker has potential to get even nastier!! 8 Stages for this inaugural ‘tour’ with minor variances in between stages. First round was ‘warm-up’ so men knew what to expect then it was every man for himself…..approx. 15 minutes worth.
- Dips x 10
- Star Jacks x 10 (then Bear Crawl to next cone)
- Box Cutters x 10 (run to base of hill then Army Crawl up to flag)
- Pickle Pounders x 10
- Burpees x 10
- Donkey Kicks x 10
- Box Jumps x 10
- Sweat Angels x 10
As the pax approached the end of the timer set by YHC for the Tour de Hill, it donned on all that there were still 35 Burpees left to get to 100. Sooooooooooo a little extra credit this am as the pax went to 8:35 am to knock those suckers out to be done with them for the day.
- Groupers co-worker and nephew tested positive for COVID-19 so prayers for the family and a speedy recovery.
- Prayers for each pax, their M’s, 2.0’s, etc to be safe from this virus.
- TAPs for DBA and his heel issue that is bothering him.
- The pax were looking so good this morning that a roller-blader passing by couldn’t help but get a few pics of us. YHC was told it was Miley and either his new ‘do’ or that she knew what he was sportin’ under that sweaty tee 😊
- Haka, Grouper and Vanellope setting the pace on the Tour de Hill……thinking ALL especially loved the Pickle Pounders on top of the Hill! If only ole Dillio could’ve joined us 😉
- Solid mumble chatter throughout……led by both Flat Tire and Endo.
- Anchorman missed possibly his next big story of the high school girl shooting hoops all by herself in the early morning gloom……but YHC will bet she’ll be back out there another morning!!
Great job by all today pushing and motivating each other. Now go have a few cold ones this afternoon/evening……..YOU’VE EARNED IT!!!