PAX Name: Flat Tire, Haka, No-See-Um, Malware, Belding, Miley, dba
QIC: dba
Beautiful morning and all PAX were ready for the sweat-feast.
5:30 and after quick disclaimer mosey towards Sun Lake Blvd.
Warm up at the Roundabout:
– 20 SSH IC
– 10 Frankenstein IC
– 10 Wind Mills IC
Mosey to Sun Lake Blvd for the Thang:
Starting at first light Pole:
1 – Burpee (increase by 1 at each pole all the way to 10)
10 – Squats
15 – Merkins
20 – Walking Lunges
Mosey to the next light pole.
1 – Burpee (increase by 1 at each pole all the way to 10)
10 – Squats
15 – Merkins
20 – Walking Lunges
Mosey to the next light pole.
At 6th Pole skip above and do Bruce Lee Set 1
Set 2 of Bruce Lee at the last Pole.
Early finishers wait for the six by doing Monkey Humpers or workout of choice.
Quick 10 counts before we return back;
– Slow walk to the next pole and Sprint to the next pole. Repeat Sprint 3 Times.
After quick rest, once again time to scale some poles 🙂
5 – Burpee (decrease by 1 at each pole all the way to 1)
10 – Squats
15 – Merkins
20 – Walking Lunges
Mosey to the next light pole.
10 – Squats
15 – Merkins
20 – Walking Lunges
Mosey to the next light pole.
Boys were exhausted and dipped in sweat. Sky Q was pleased with the hard work and poured some shower to cool down the boys.
Indian Run back to the Basket Ball Court.
And we are done for the day!!!
Great to be out with you guys despite of hurting hip and tingling right arm. I appreciate you all pushing each other to meet the goal.
– Prayers for the world and hope for end of the pandemic.
– Prayers for all those who could not make to the beatdown for some reason.
– Prayers for all our family members, 2.0s for safety and healthy life.
– Thank you No-See-Um for the Newsletter
– Don’t miss 4th July CSAUP – Endo will bring fun filled with pain.
– Be on look out for Sasquatch 2020 updates
Stay Safe – Stay Strong – Stay Blessed