QIC: No-See-Um/Apnea
Pax: No-See-Um, Belding, Vanellope, Endo, Haka, Miley, Cougar, Anchorman
Well, 8 pax were gathered, stretched out and ready…….but no Q in sight. Surely we’d see our man Apnea sprinting from Nature View Drive any minute. However 5:30 came and went but no fear as Apnea sent YHC the Weinke and a heads up that he probably wouldn’t make it because “Nathan had a Poopy”…….wait that’s not right…..that was one of the pax (maybe Endo) that said that. Not about himself but about Nathan, I think….heck, I’m so confused now and just ready to get this beatdown under-way!!!
Mosey time to the roundabout for the warm-up……SSH, Imp. Walkers, Frankensteins, Cotton Pickers, Air Presses (Haka’s fav :)), Baby Arm Circles. Now mosey to Sunlake…..the pax still in hopes of the Q (Apnea) showing up 🙂
Red Barchetta
1st post to 6th post – 100 SSH’s then mosey back and SSH till six is in.
1st post to 5th post – 75 Mtn Climbers then mosey back and SSH till six is in.
1st post to 4th post – 50 LBC’s then mosey back and Al Gore till six is in.
1st post to 3rd post – 25 Merkins then mosey back and Al Gore.
1st post to 2nd post – 10 Burpees then mosey back and Al Gore.
*Endo and Vanellope shot out of the gates like cannons to start the Red Barchetta……then Endo quickly got a cramp that looked like his shin bone was sticking out of his calf….hmmmmm?? Wait, that was on Saturday…..but either way, seems like a major health issue that needs to be addressed…hahaha :).
And there comes Apnea around the corner…..nope, that’s just a regular morning jogger……dang it!!
Next YHC followed the Weinke and the pax moseyed one light post then Bear Crawled to the next, then moseyed to next and then Crab Walked to the next and did Crab Cakes till six was in. Then set of Bruce Leeroys that most definitely smoked everyone in attendance…….not Apnea though because he wasn’t there.
Only about 7 minutes left so the pax moseyed back towards the courts. A few SSH’s were done at the courts until all men finished and right on time it was 6:15. Great work by all today and solid beatdown brought to you by Apnea :)!
-Prayers for Vanellope’s M’s dad who was just diagnosed with colon cancer.
-Prayers for N0-See-Um’s 2.0 son and the battles the family is having with behavior and disrespect.
-Prayers for DBA as he continues to get better from his back/neck pain.
-Apnea’s 2.0 did not cooperate this am for his daddy’s Q but that is okay because unlike 2+ months ago YHC was ready this time to fill in 🙂 Although, there may still be some penalties to pay according to Endo.
-Pax all did great job today sticking together for the most part and great to see each man pushing himself. Pretty quiet around the Bruce Leeroy time though and thought we had lost a few pax.
-The pax were all ready to give Apnea some good ribbing if he showed up during beatdown, but all good as the men know family comes first and the first year of a newborn is a lot of work. Cherish the time with the little one Apnea, it goes by fast my man!!!
-Saturday, August 8 – Guest Q by Bing and men from F3 Suncoast. They’re bringing a good 8-10 pax and coffeeteria right after at our pavillion. Should be a great Saturday so DO NOT MISS…….we gotta represent #TheRanch!!!
-CSAUP – Yes Man Mile (virtual) coming up between now and September 30. Miller Time, from F3 Alpha, is a part of #ThunderMeatEndurance who is putting this CSAUP on and this is their 4th or 5th event. Should be a good one and some sweet swag to go along with the event!
-Iron Pax Challenge also coming up in September so starting getting mentally ready for this.
-YHC also trying to put final touches on a mini EH challenge for the pax of F3 Lutz……need more FNG’s!!! Stay Tuned!