8 PAX in attendance and all were determined to not let Tropical Storm Eta get in the way of a good beatdown!
Quick disclaimer, 5 core principles were recited by the PAX and straight to work.
Mosey to round about
SSH IC x 15
Frankenstein IC x 15
Baby Arm Circles IC x 10 (+reverse)
Plank Jacks IC x 15
Shoulder Taps IC x 15
Mountain Climbers
Mosey to Round about #2
Broad jump to each line, 2 burpees at each line, ring around the rosie = 7 lines, 14 burpees and a lot of broad jumps
Mosey to courts
Burpee mile (staring to sense a theme here)
10 burpees to start and after each lap until 4 laps complete
50 total burpees
All the PAX also helped out boy @Urkel finish. Great job pushing yourself @Urkel!!
Mosey to FOP
As many know the Masters, the greatest golf tournament in the world (@Haka’s favorite sport) started today, so YHC had something special planned
A nice little closest to the pin competition, 2 teams with 4 head to head rounds.
(Group 1 v Group 2): Winner
@Grouper v @Endo – Winner: @Endo
@Haka v @Waterboy- Winner: @Waterboy
@Vanellope v @Miley- Winner: @Vanellope
@Urkel v @No-See-Um – Winner: @No-See-Um (and overall closest)
Closest to pin in each round completed 20 Merkins and 40 squats at each of FOP end down and back
Loser completed 10 burpees and 20 split Jacks (hard way) and each end
***Exercises were completed after each of the 4 rounds.
Balls to wall – 10 secs per PAX
Mosey back to the court, and while on the way back a couple PAX found a perfect opportunity to slide across the field head first though a huge puddle of water provided by Eta.
And for that moment in time, they were kids again!!
Prayers for all impacted by TS Eta
Prayers for all PAX and families and anyone who may have something on their mind they are u willing to share
Don’t forget about our 2.0 beatdown, Sat 11/14 followed by Coffeteria and our 2nd F block party
Also, continue to check Slack for other 2nd F and 3rd F events coming up for the Holidays!