Did I Do That???

by | Mar 18, 2021 | Back Blasts

QIC: Urkel
PAX POSTED: Apnea, Waterboy, Baywatch, Haka, Rub n' Tug, Chowdah, Hitchhiker, Tower, Vanilla Ice, Urkel

A beautiful Thursday morning for yet another burpee beatdown, followed by TNT! 10 PAX left their fartsack to see whether Urkel would bring the pain. YHC wasn’t even sure if he’d make it all the way through, but he did! There were moments where Vanilla Ice was giving YHC crap, asking “which idiot came up with this workout?” 😀

QIC: Urkel
PAX: Apnea, Waterboy, Baywatch, Haka, Rub n’ Tug, Chowdah, Hitchhiker, Tower, Vanilla Ice, Urkel

Quick Disclaimer given, reviewed the F3 principles and creedo, then jumped right into mosey!!

Mosey to 1st Circle:
1. 15 SSH
2. 15 Windmills
3. 10 Imperial walkers
4. 10 Baby arm circles then reverse

Mosey to 2nd Circle:
1. 5 burpees per line
2. Bear crawl in between
Al Gore until 6 is in

Mosey to Field of Pain:
Sprint to other end, 10 Burpees and 10 LBCs, then back. Repeat 5 times
Al Gore until 6 is in

Covered gazebo:
Partner up
1. 10 step ups hard way
2. 10 tricep dips
3. 10 irkins
Meanwhile, partner runs to park for 5 chin ups. Then switch.
Repeat 2 X
Plank until 6 is in

1. Balls to walls 10 count per PAX
2. Sprint back to the other end of the F.O.P

Mosey back to BB courts:
Circle up, high knee burpees, 15 rounds. YHC confused the PAX because he said the counter clockwise but really meant clockwise! :/

Prayers for our PAX who are travelling with their families for Spring Break, wishing them all a safe return!
Prayers for our country to get over this pandemic safely and quickly.

Words of wisdom shared, led by Chowdah with input from other PAX! Quote provided by Baywatch from Winston Churchill “To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.”

Thanks gents for always pushing me to be a better version of myself, great work today!
