F3 Christmas Beatdown Formality

by | Dec 13, 2021 | Back Blasts

QIC: Chowdah
PAX POSTED: RubNTug, Grouper, Haka, Anchorman, DBA, Nancy, Belding, Tebow, Waterboy, C.Z., Endo, Polaroid, Sanka, Photoshop, Chowdah

The gloom was relatively cool with an early morning pre-beatdown ruck for YHC and Hitchhiker. (alongside Tebow training, who we saw running right about at the end of our ruck) Hitchhiker was the intended Q but life would see him get called to take care of his 2.0 and with that YHC stepped in to fill the Q void. Not much needed to be planned due to Hitchhikers diligence and setting up the thang accordingly.

The Warm Up:

  • 10 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Frankenstein (IC)
  • 10 Tappidy Tap taps
  • 10 Tempo Squats (IC)
  • 10 Tempo Merkins (IC)


The Thang:

  • Mosey around the dog park and lake to end up on the westside of ballentrae blvd.
    • Stopped just off the trail to do a set of Bruce Lee’s
    • Had to pull out my inner Haka to get some PAX moving while brining in the 6
  • Mosey over to the large open field on ballentrae blvd
    • Formal bowtie
      • 5 Cones, 1 exercise per cone 20 reps per cone (except at the middle cone which was 10 reps per passing of it)
        • Cone 1-5
          • Merkins
          • Supermans
          • Burpees
          • Reverse Crunches
          • Shoulder Taps/planks
        • Bear crawl or duck walk to next cone depending on which side of the bow tie the PAX was on
    • Rinse and repeat 5 times
  • Quick 10 count
  • Mosey back to the boneyard
    • 10 SSH (IC)
    • 10 Frankenstein (IC)
    • 10 Tappidy Tap taps
    • 10 Tempo Squats (IC)
    • 15 Tempo Merkins (IC)



  • YHC stole Cheesehead’s thunder about the F3 Christmas part announcement
  • Announcements for 2nd F
    • Card collection for VA home
    • Gifts for Adopted family check out the link or ask questions!!!



  • Prayers for those affected by the Tornado
  • Prayers for sick 2.0s, family members, or friends
  • Save travels for PAX traveling
  • Fun time and enjoy the Christmas party