Getting your kicks at Bexley 66

Getting your kicks at Bexley 66

YHC was looking at slack prior to checking out for the night and saw Seltzer looking for another PAX to step up and lead. Seeing there wasn’t any takers at the time, the decision was made to step up. ITG 9 other PAX came to the boneyard looking for a good...
Focusing on Time

Focusing on Time

YHC put out the call for blocks and/or rucks to be brought. After missing the Q last Saturday, time was of the essence. ITG we set out to improve ourselves and hold each other accountable for the betterment of self and community. 16 PAX heard the call and showed up at...
Trivia and tennis courts

Trivia and tennis courts

The morning was relatively cool and YHC was expecting it to be wetter considering the thunderstorms the night before. 8 PAX overcame the fartsack, to show up and show out. Disclaimers were given, credo and principles were reviewed, so we kicked things off. The Warm...
Trivia and tennis courts

Standard @ the Boneyard

After getting my ass kicked by Tebow’s beatdown on Saturday, YHC wanted to bring the pain. But to grow you need to know where you’re at to track improvement. So YHC set to out leader the HIM of the Naturecoast into a not so standard, standards beatdown....
The Falcon 026

The Falcon 026

“In the Gloom of Monday 4/29/24 at AO Wet Willy in STL-Meramec with a PAX count of 14, an unthinkable tragedy occurred. FNG, Jason Richards, had finished his first workout and the naming process was underway. Jason shared about his love for his four kids, his...