by NotoriousNYC | Apr 28, 2018 | Back Blasts
Flag was planted on this perfect morning. A quick disclaimer was read. We went straight to work. Warm Ups all IC all 15 counts Side straddle hops Windmills Baby Arm Circles The Thang: Mosey to Sunlake Blvd. Performed the following exercises 50 Merkins 10 Burpees 50...
by no-ski | Apr 26, 2018 | Back Blasts
6 PAX posted for a cool morning beatdown this AM. The weather was just right and YHC was excited to get going as his Achilles is getting stronger and less painful. Our shovel flag was planted. Men got some stretches in before the beatdown began. At 5:30 AM on the dot,...
by Grouper | Apr 24, 2018 | Back Blasts
Great energy with the group on this mild spring morning; many still working out the soreness from out Haka-led PT Testing over the weekend. Today we mixed in core exercises that will help us all work towards improving our individual results when we test again in 6...
by Haka | Apr 21, 2018 | Back Blasts
7 HIM posted today for a day of PT testing. YHC figured we needed something to gauge our current fitness levels and I couldn’t be more proud for the hard work put out by all today! Warm-Up – Global Warming: Circle Up, Al Gore shuffle around the circle...
by Haka | Apr 20, 2018 | PreBlast
F3 men, tomorrow’s beat down will be one that I think will be a lot of fun! We will be doing some PT Testing to gauge our current fitness levels. It has been fun to watch men get fitter and stronger in their journey. My plan will be to do this again in 6 weeks...