Building A Better Man

Building A Better Man

7 PAX arrived for a super chilly sweatfest here at the gloom.  YHC took the Q on short notice and as always had something very painful in mind to keep everyone on edge.  A few coupons in the form of cinder blocks were placed in the open to get the mood started. ...
Cool Runnings

Cool Runnings

8 PAX posted this brisk, cool morning in the low 50s. Yes, that’s cold in Florida. Quick disclaimer with one FNG posting and the PAX got straight to work. SSH IC x 15 Cotton Pickers IC x 15 Frankenstein IC x 10 Shoulder Taps IC x 15 Peter Parkers IC x 10 Mosey to...


After the great Gobble Gobble beatdown and award presentation by Endo YHC was ready to get back to the real deal. A lot of soreness was carried into this morning but that didn’t stop YHC from dialing up more pain. Disclaimer was given and Murphy arrived...
Building A Better Man

Pilgrims and Indian Runs

Absolutely chilly yet beautiful and cloud free Thanksgiving day here at The Ranch.  Double digit PAX posting was more than enough for YHC to give thanks for.  A few returning FNG’s is always a good sign that we are growing as a group.  The disclaimer was given...
Cool Runnings

Sanka, Ya Dead Man??

No Man, Sanka (FNG) is NOT Dead! And neither is Murphy, our second FNG from this morning……….even though they may have thought we were trying to put them six feet under.   9 HIM posted in the gloom looking to better themselves on a beautiful...