After the great Gobble Gobble beatdown and award presentation by Endo YHC was ready to get back to the real deal. A lot of soreness was carried into this morning but that didn’t stop YHC from dialing up more pain. Disclaimer was given and Murphy arrived fashionably late for the 3rd consecutive beatdown. (Great to have you out here Murphy) 6 Pax in attendance.
Mosey around BB courts
Warm Up:
- IC- SSH X10
- IC- Windmill X10
- IC- Baby Arm Circles X10 (reverse)
- IC- Peter Parker X10
Mosey to Dead end
Agility: 4 Cones spread apart about 15 yards
- Carioca
- Side Shuffle
- Back Pedal
- Sprints
- Suicides X2
4 Rounds of 6 Minutes Suicide fashion, perform exercise and move onto to next cone.
– 1st Round
- Squat Thrusters with Coupon X10
- Jump Squats X15
- Lunges X20
- Squats X25
-2nd Round
- Shoulder Press with Coupon X10
- Pike Press X15
- Overhead Clap X20
- Shoulder Taps X25
-3rd Round
- Kettle Bell Swings X10
- Diamond Merkins X15
- Wide Merkins X20
- Merkin X25
-4th Round
- Burpee with Coupon X5
- Donkey Kicks X10
- Mountain Climbers X15
- Plank Jacks X20
Mosey to Playground for YHC’s favorite…
- Pull ups or rows (Pax choice) AMRAP for 1 minute intervals for 3 Sets
- SSH in between X10 for 3 Sets
Mosey to BB Courts
- Thankful for another beautiful morning with guys and great beatdown
- For Frisbee and his struggles
- Murphy and his baby girl