by Endo | Sep 29, 2018 | Back Blasts
6 PAX posted for what was an absolutely beautiful and glorious morning for a beatdown. YHC on the Birthday Q today representing all the 43 year olds out there. Much mumble chatter about “THE BEAST” making his official appearance…and he showed as...
by Vanellope | Sep 27, 2018 | Back Blasts
The Three Amigos and quite a bit of fartsacking going on this morning at the ranch. 3 Pax showed up this morning for a sweatfest Q by committee. The rest of the Pax saving themselves for the Beast on Saturday. Each Pax took 15 minutes. Flag planted and no disclaimer...
by Endo | Sep 26, 2018 | Back Blasts
Only 5 PAX posting on a most beautiful morning here in the gloom. Appears many are fartsacking due to the late night local football game. Full harvest moon and stars along with a slight breeze made perfect conditions for a beatdown. THE WARMUP SSH – ...
by spongebob | Sep 22, 2018 | Back Blasts
2+ miles covered, lots of sweat and mumble chatter. Great work all…. And it went like this Told the PAX to pack up as we weren’t staying at the courts. Off we went on the Parade… Split in 2 groups as we began a Mosey, Rockwell jumping right in line...
by Vanellope | Sep 20, 2018 | Back Blasts
Great Thursday morning for a beatdown. NO breeze, hot… at least thats what the visitors from Ohio thought. Welcome Houdini and welcome back for the second straight post Goldstar (safe travels back home). 8 Pax posted for a up tempo beatdown delivered by YHC....