Chilly morning with a nice breeze for 6 PAX to kick-off their day the right way with a solid beat down. After a quick disclaimer, a prompt warm-up began with a mosey over to YHC’s golf cart in the gloom of the Boneyard. From there we performed several exercises from this point to the tree past the flag:
Mosey (each way)
Carioca (each way)
High knees (each way)
Mosey back to the flag to circle up for more warm-up:
SSH x 15 IC
Tie-Fighters x 10 IC (both sides)
Heels to Heaven x 10 IC
After warm-ups PAX were ready to begin a course of Go STOPs.
The group will mosey together on a Q determined course around the Boneyard and at each STOP sign along the way perform the following:
Leg Raises
Get-Up x 1 (al gore for the 6)
The first STOP starts with 5 reps each of the above and increases by 5 with every new STOP sign along the way until we hit 20 and then it decreases back down to 5 and then back up to 10 the rest of the way. After the first 3 STOP signs there was a DETOUR in the courtyard for the following:
All PAX start with plank and follow Q demands
30 second plank, down to
30 second elbow plank, up to
Merkins x 10 IC, into
Peter Parker x 10 IC – RECOVER
The Go STOP mosey tour continues with a total of 8 STOPs as noted above (80 total reps of each) – then a last BIG Detour at the Boneyard Pitch…
Upon arrival to the pitch, PAX encounter 8 strategically placed cones creating a Death Star in the middle of the field. PAX were then instructed to perform the following rounds around the star:
Burpees x 5 with a Bear Crawl between each cone (40 total)
Squat Jump x 10 with a reverse mosey between each cone (80 total) – feel the burn
Carioca x 2 laps around the star, alternating start leg at each cone
Final leg of the Go STOP mosey tour begins with 3 more STOPs on the way to the Boneyard flag (30 more reps of each). At the flag, in circle, we finished with:
SSH x 20 OYO
15 second plank, down to
15 second elbow plank, up to
Merkins x 10 OYO, into
Peter Parker x 10 OYO, into
Paker Peter x 10 OYO, up to some Yoga (with inspiration from Chowdah) to stretch the worn bodies…
Upward Facing Dog
Child’s Pose
Downward Facing Dog
CoT: YHC wanted to present a quote for inspiration and consideration as we constantly strive to be our best. This is a simple but impactful quote from Tony Dungy that is important given the adversities going on in the world,”You can’t always control circumstances, however you can always control your attitude, approach and response.” PAX discussed how we can only control ourselves at times and how we respond to challenges in life are what make us who we are.
Big prayers to Flat Tire and his family as we pray for a speedy recovery for his brother. Prayers for Chowdah and Hitchhiker as they go on their long journey through the forest and gloom this weekend. Thankful to have this opportunity to enrich ourselves both physically and mentally.