Full Courts Press

by | Jul 6, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Seltzer
PAX POSTED: Cricket, Cheesehead, Floppy, Seltzer, Noodle, Smoggy, Hooker, Apnea

Muggy Florida summer morning, 8 PAX ready to get at it…

Quick mosey over to the parking lot near the tennis courts for some cardio: Sprints, high-knees, six-kickers, carioca – mosey to tennis courts.

  • Circle-up for the following:
    • SSH x 10 IC
    • Frankenstein x 10 IC
    • Windmills x 10 IC
    • Tie-fighters x 10 IC

There are a total of 4 tennis courts, we started on the first OB line of the first court and performed the following all the way to the over side of the fenced court area.
Merkins x 3 at each side of the courts with bear crawl as the mode of travel (total of 24 merkins and a long way of crawls)
Bruce Lees + BBS x 2 with crab walk mode of travel (perform each of the 6 BLs x 10 instead of 20 and the last court we did BBS at each end, hand blistered were to be had at this point)
Bonnie Blairs x 10 (H) with broad jump froggers as mode of travel (80 bonnie blairs, hard total)
Quick recover and mosey to pick up Apnea and get a quick water break before we mosey over to the Circle of Trees:

There are a total of 12 trees in a circle, each PAX picks a tree to start.  The routine is 12 burpees on the start tree with a mosey to the next reducing by 1 (i.e. 2nd tree is 11 burpees, 3rd tree is 10 burpees, etc.) = 78 total burpees.

Mosey back to the tennis courts for one more round, modified suicides; SSH x 5 at the start line, mosey to other side of first court for Squat Jumps x 5, mosey back to starting line – SSH x5, mosey to 2nd court’s first line for Squat Jumps x 5, back to start for SSH, until we make it back and forth to the farthest end of last court. (Total of 40 SSH and Squat Jumps)

COT: Prayers for all brothers and their families as they travel this summer.