Is this gonna be less that 3 miles?

by | Oct 1, 2022 | Back Blasts

QIC: Belding
PAX POSTED: C.Z., DBA, Anchorman, Cheesehead, Rub'n'Tug, Noodle, Tebow, Simmons, Belding

As YHC arrived, CZ and DBA were on the fence about doing a double BD after just completing IPC, and asked “Is this gonna be less than 3 miles?”.  If anyone know Belding, of course it is, so they both pulled a double.

At 7:30 9 #HIM were ready for challenge.


All exercises x10 IC

SSH, Tempo Squat, Frankensteins, Baby Arm Circles

Sort mosey to the pull-up area.  Each PAX completed 3 pullups while the others did Merkins.


Another short mosey to the school for The Thang:

Suicides stopping at each of the medians (going out and back) for exercises.  2 Rounds.

1st Median–5 Squats

2nd Median–10 Merkins

3rd Median–15 BBS

4th Median–20 Burpees


Mosey back to the imaginary Shovel Flag for a quick sip.


2 laps around the dog park and playground, breaking the laps into quarters for the following:

5 pullups

10 Carolina dry docks

15 reverse lunge (HW)

20 flutter kicks (HW)


Out to the street and partner up for some Dora

100 hand release merkins

200 squats

300 leg lifts

Didn’t quite get through all of the leg lifts as time hit 8:30.



Prayers for those impacted by Hurricane Ian.

Prayers for those not able to make it due to injury or DR.

Highway clean-up coming soon.