QIC: Apnea
PAX: Cheesehead, Noodle, Endo, Seltzer, Saint, Munson, Cricket, Grouper, Belding, Chowdah, Petey, Hooker, Couch Potato, Pinocchio, Waterboy, Hitchhiker, Dillio, Haka, Flow Rider (NC)
YHC promised presents, prizes, and penalties and that PAX should brush up on some Christmas trivia. Being my last Q for the year, I wanted to put some extra thought into this one. 19 PAX made it out on a breezy morning with some intermittent lightning in the distance so it was a good thing YHC brought extra prizes just in case. Quick disclaimer was given followed by five core principles. Mosey around the dog park to the playground for
Frankensteins X 10 IC
Imperial Walkers X 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Reverse X 10 IC
Seal Claps X 10 IC
Overhead Claps X 10 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
Quick rundown of today’s plan is that a PAX selected at random would be required to answer a Christmas trivia question while all PAX did a given exercise. Correct answers received a present and incorrect answers received a penalty.
First up was Morning call with 5 pullups per PAX while all other PAX did 5 merkins at the same time. Due to the great turnout, YHC had 2 PAX doing pullups at a time.
First Question was This Christmas song has appeared in the most movies according to IMDB (Answer: Jingle Bells) and was answered correctly so all PAX received a present of 10 Monkey Humpers instead of 30.
Mosey over to the pavilion for 25 Dips and the next question The name of the traveling polka band Kevin’s mom travels with on her way home to Kevin in Home Alone 1 (Answer: Kenosha Kickers). Answer was incorrect and all PAX received a penalty of 15 Donkey Kicks.
Balls to the Wall with each PAX counting 5 seconds for the next question of This is the name of the gangster film Kevin watches in Home Alone 1 (Answer: Angels with Filthy Souls). Answered incorrectly so all PAX received a penalty of 20 Balls to the Sky.
To the wall for Single Leg Wall Squats with each PAX counting 5 seconds and then switching legs for the next question of This is how many reindeer are featured in the poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas” (Answer: 8). Correct answer was provided so all PAX received a present of bear crawls halfway across the field of pain instead of all the way across.
Slosey back to the courts for the rest of the festivities with a quick stop at YHC’s car to pick up a Santa bag with prizes.
At the court, PAX did 25 Supermans for the next question of This is how many siblings Kevin has in Home Alone 1 (Answer: 4). Incorrect answer of 10 was given so all PAX received a penalty of one lap (1/4 mile) around the dog park and tennis courts.
PAX did 25 diamond merkins for the next question of This is the name given to the McCallister’s house by Marv and Harry in Home Along 1 (Answer: Silver Tuna). Incorrect answer of Silver Fox was given so all PAX received 20 Carolina Dry Docks instead of 10.
PAX did 25 lunges the hard way for the next question of This is the Christmas song played during the End Credits and sung twice by Sergeant Al Powell in Die Hard 1 (Answer: Let it Snow). Incorrect answer of Jingle Bell Rock was given so all PAX received a penalty of 20 sweat angels instead of 10.
PAX did 25 Bonnie Blairs the hard way for the next question of How did Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber) nail the surprised look in the fall from the window in Die Hard 1 (Answer: stunt man let go of Alan on the count of 2 instead of 3 as planned). Correct answer was given so all PAX received a present of 10 Merkins.
PAX did 25 Leg Raises for the next question of This is the company Holly McClane works for in Die Hard 1 (Answer: Nakatomi Corporation). Incorrect answer of Nagasaki was given so all PAX did 20 Peter Parkers HW instead of EW.
PAX did 2 minutes of high planks for the next question of This is the iconic catch phrase said by John McClane in Die Hard 1 (Answer: Yippee Ki Yay MF). Correct answer was given so all PAX received a present of 5 Dive Bomber Merkins instead of 10.
PAX did 25 Squats for the next question of This is how McClane signals Sgt Powell that something is wrong at Nakatomi Plaza (Answer: Throws Marco’s body from the 34th floor onto Powell’s hood). Correct answer was given so all PAX received a present of 10 Burpees instead of 20.
PAX did 25 Merkins for the next question of This is where Ralphie’s family goes for Christmas dinner (Answer: A Chinese Restaurant: Chop Suey Palace). Correct answer was given so all PAX were given a present of 10 X Cross Situps EW instead of the HW.
PAX did 25 Dying Cockroaches the HW for the next question of McClane writes a message on a dead terrorist in the elevator in Die Hard 1: Now I have a ____” (Answer: Machine gun. Ho Ho Ho). Incorrect answer was given so all PAX did 30 LBCs instead of 15.
PAX did 25 Calf Raises with feet forward, then feet pointed outward, and then feet pointed inward (total of 75) for the next question of This is the award Ralphie’s father wins in a contest in A Christmas Story (Answer: Reading Lamp in the shape of woman’s leg in fishnet stocking). Correct answer was given so all PAX were given a present of 10 Big Boy Situps.
Great job by all PAX today. At this point YHC went to get the santa bag to hand out the prizes but I should have known to keep a better eye on this as a PAX decided to hide the bag somewhere where I could not see it without my glasses. I had the same look on my face that Hans Gruber had when he fell from the Nakatomi building (according to Endo).
Prayers for those who are in need during the upcoming holidays
Prayers for those PAX in attendance, DR, or recovering from injuries