12 PAX out for a beautiful morning and run around the ranch. YHC provided 5 core principles, and reminded HIM that we leave no man behind, but leave know man where we find him.
- Mosey around dog park and tennis courts then back to basketball court
- 5 burpees
- In cadence 10 of the following:
- Wind mill
- Frankensteins
- Tappy taps
- Monkey humpers
- 2 rounds of 21s… PAX almost finished in sync the first time, so we did 5 burpees. On the second attempt we got closer, but still a little out of sync, so 3 burpees.
- Quick sip, then PAX counted off to get into 2 lines
The Thang:
- PAX in two lines for an indian run heading en route to the larger Nature View/Long Lake Ranch blvd traffic circle
- PAX stopped at intersection of Nature View and Deer Tracks Loop to complete a round of Bruce Lee
- While waiting for 6, PAX who finished did plank jacks
- Once all PAX done, we got back into 2 lines to indian run to next intersection
- At intersection of Nature View and Beautyberry we did 3 set of the following:
- 5 burpees
- 10 Bonnie Blairs
- 15 Flutter kicks (hard way)
- PAX completed SSH while waiting for 6 in
- PAX formed 2 lines for indian run again and arrived at the Nature View/Long Lake Ranch traffic circle
- PAX paired off, while one of the pair moseyed around the traffic circle, the other PAX worked on one exercise, then they swapped when the first HIM got back. Exercises that were completed:
- Calf raises
- Jumping Squat
- Flutter kicks
- Time started to run out, so PAX then did 20 SSH, 2 burpees, 20 plan jacks, rinse and repeat until everyone had finished flutter kick round
- PAX did a 10 count with a little slowsey, then got back into 2 indian run lines to intersection of Nature View and Deer Tracks Loop, completed 3 sets of
- 15 box cutters
- 10 Bobby HurleysÂ
- 5 diamond merkins
- PAX then formed one line for the final whole group indian run back to the courts, arriving at 6:15am on the dot.
- Thanks that we could be out enjoying a beatdown in the gloom in the nice weather
- Prayer that the PAX at the boneyard had a great beatdown
- Prayer for all PAX out there with things on their mind that they could not share, and that they stay safe, healthy, and have a positive impact on their respective communities