B.A.N.K. Run

by | Mar 18, 2023 | Back Blasts

QIC: Tebow
PAX POSTED: Anchorman, Grouper

3 PAX mistakenly placed all their money in Silicon Valley Bank and were forced at 7:30 to do a B.A.N.K. Run to get their deposits back.

QIC Tebow place 4 stations along a 1/2 mile course.

B 1st station: Burpees (15)

A 2nd station: Aiken Legs (20 box jumps, 20 squats, 20 lunges, 20 split jacks)

N 3rd station: Non-Alternating Shoulder Taps (15, PAX laid in plank position, dropped halfway down, then pushed off the ground with enough force to launch and tap both shoulders at the same time)

K 4th station: Killer Bees (back at the boneyard field, Q placed two cones about 50 yards apart. PAX bear crawled 50 yards, then broad jumped back. After 5 broad jumps, PAX did 3 burpees)

PAX got 3 laps in and with 4 minutes left, did 15 burpees.