Nothing like waking up on a cold Florida morning and finding out that this is your first Q back in the gloom after being at an all inclusive Cancun resort. Back to reality and back to the gloom. Ready to rock day 20 or day 2000 burpee’s in this March madness. 46 degrees out as I made my way to the District, ready for the pillow again but new that I had a bunch of HIM ready to take on the week.
Loving the new Apnea 2.0 who is not on Apnea time. 5:30 hit and we were ready to start off another glorious week. Quick disclaimer and 5 core principles done onto warmup
Baby arm circles/reverse 15 IC
Overhead clap 15 IC
Hillbilly 15 IC
Groiners 15
Merkins 15
Squat jumps 15
Passion Fruit just made it in under Apnea time and off we went…
Mosey to stop sign
Mucho chesto
Mosey past girls to main street for the Thang
Street light delight
Each street light 4 burpees then mosey to next light
Get to end and repeat back to corner
YHC neglected to count the initial light as one so we ended up completing 28 lights or 112 burpees
Mosey to picnic tables
Tammy Wynette
100 merkins 10 at a time then switch
Partner squats/lbc
200 monkey humpers 15 at a time then switch
Partner squats/lbc
Mosey to flag
With 2 minutes remaining each PAX finds a curb, 2 rounds speed step ups 30 seconds each round and 15 second rest inbetween.
Time! Happy Hooker Monday Y’all!!
Prayers to PAX unable to make it, Prayers that don’t have the resources to come out and keep your hands on all of us to be able to help ourselves succeed.