In Long Lake Ranch where the moon shines bright,
We gather each morning when it’s barely light.
With burpees and abs, we strengthen our core,
Push-ups and shoulders, we push for more.
Running the Ranch, legs pumping strong,
Together in brotherhood, where we all belong.
In F3 Nation, we find our way,
Working hard, day by day.
We lift each other, through thick and thin,
Every challenge, we face, we win.
In the bond of sweat and shared endeavor,
We stand as one, now and forever.
Mosey, Butt Kickers, Shuffle Right/Left, Skipping, Walking Frankenstein, Karaoke Right/Left & Mosey back to the courts.
The Thang:
Burpees x 5 Reps – Rinse and Repeat between 5 abs exercises (Xfactors x 25, American Hammers x 25, BBS x 25, Heal Touches x 25 & Freddy Mercury x 25)
Carolina Dry Docks x 10 Rinse and Repeat between 5 leg exercises (Squats x 15, Reverse Lunges x 15, Bobby Hurley’s x 15, Sumo Squats x 15 & Bonnie Blairs x 15)
Split up into teams and race: 5 hand release merkins, sprint and rinse and repeat 6 times to finish. Congrats team 1 for winning. It was brutal!!
Indian Run – Finish at the courts for two rounds of circle burp!
COT: Prayer for Hooker and his job search and prayers for Violet’s daughter.