Stairways to ‘Leven @ The Village

by | Sep 18, 2024 | Back Blasts

QIC: Seltzer
PAX POSTED: Madoff, Crypto, Apnea, Fat Bastard

It was our 2nd week at the new AO, The Village, and YHC was happy to take the Q and take advantage of some new beat down tools available at this new spot. The Village is located in a retail center at Westchase with some elevation options to be had for all. We started promptly at 5:30 a.m.

Frankensteins x 10 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
Tappity Taps x 10 IC

Mosey over to the 2-story retail building nearby. There are a total of 3 stairwalls (one at each end and one in the middle). We started off at Stairwell #1 with a mosey up, 1 burpee, mosey down together. Mosey over to Stairwell #2 for same but with 2 burpees at the top, mosey to #3 and repeat with 3 burpees at the top. Now all PAX know the Stairwell locations and numbers. The group ran all the way back to Stairwell #1 to start Stairways to ‘Leven.

Stairways to ‘Leven:
Stairwell #1; start with Merkin x 10 at the bottom, mosey up to the top to do Burpee x 1. Mosey back down and then all the way over to Stairwell #2.
Stairwell #2; Merkin x 9, mosey up to top for Burpee x 2, mosey down and all the way over to Stairwell #3.
Stairwell #3; Merkin x 8, mosey up to top for Burpee x 3, mosey down and head back to Stairwell #2.
-This was rinsed and repeated in a snake back and forth between all stairwells with the Merkin count going down by one and the burpee count going up always equaling 11 total reps.

Once the 6 was in the group ran around the block over to the bank. The bank branch has a drive-thru with 5 lanes, perfect number for this morning. Each PAX grabbed a lane for the following:
-Bear crawl to other end, reverse mosey back to start
-Lunge walk to other end, Squats x 5, reverse lunge walk back to start
-Mosey down to other end and back, Merkins x 5, > 3 rounds total.
-Hold plank for the 6, as a group perform Merkins x 5, Shoulder Taps x 10, Mountain Climbers x 10 (hard)

Mosey around the middle field back to the parking lot:
Start at the beginning and mosey around the inner island loop, do Burpees x 5, Merkins x 5 and Groiners x 5 at each island (4 total).
Suicides at each island with 5 squats at each return

Mosey back to the flag.

COT: Prayers for the success of this new AO and that we are able to recruit more HIM in this area to encourage male leadership.