Burpin’ Around the Christmas Tree

by | Dec 19, 2024 | Back Blasts

PAX POSTED: Madoff, Grouper, WATERBOY, Screech, Big papi, Goose, Sbarro, Hitchhiker, Apnea, Airstream

Six days before Christmas on a very gloomy morning, YHC decided to bring a favorite Christmas tree inflatable to bring some spirit to the beat down this morning. The tree was set across the field of pain, lit for all to see through the mist. Also on the field were rows of cones. 11 PAX total in attendance to start the day off right.

*Start with the Mission and Core Principles*
Quick mosey lap around the dog park and tennis courts back to flag
Tie Fighters IC x 10, each way + 1 burpee
Willie Mays Hays IC x 10 + 1 burpee
Tappity Taps IC x 10 + 1 burpee
Inch Worms 10 OYO
Groikins or half-burps (plank, groiner, merkin) IC x 10
Mosey over to the round-a-bout and back

The Thang:
Back at the Field of Pain, start at one end of the field opposite the Christmas Tree. There we find a board of pain to complete, with 3 total rounds. The first round was 30 reps, second was 20 and third was 10 reps. Six total exercises/routine for the days remaining until the big day:
1) Sumo Squat
2) Shoulder Taps (hard)
3) WW1 Situps
4) Derricks (hard)
5) Navy Seal Burpees *10 reps only each round* (drop down to start burpee, complete 3 merkins and 4 peter parkers easy, up to finish for one)
6) Bruce Lees *do number of reps for that round for each exercise*

Once completion of the board at each round PAX start at a cone on the edge (+1 burpee), bear crawl diagonal to the middle cone (+1 burpee), mosey horizontal to other side cone (+1 burpee), mosey vertical up to next cone (+1 burpee), repeat bear crawl forward to middle cone (+1 burpee). The order forward toward the tree was always Diagonal/Horizontal/Vertical and ends with a diagonal bear crawl to the Christmas Tree. The thought was to represent chaos that we sometimes feel this time of year with all the pressures of life, family and work during the holidays.  At the tree complete 5 burpees then mosey back to other end with the board to start round 2 with the 20 reps. R/R, most PAX completed at least 2 of the 3 rounds.

Mosey back to flag to hold a 1 minute plank.

CoT: YHC wanted to request a PAX Highlight again, this is where we call upon a brother to give a quick minute summary of how they got started with F3, inspiration for the nickname, and impact. It was great to have Big Papi in the gloom this morning and that is who was asked. Big Papi has been a long time veteran of Nature Coast and we all would love to see his presence in the gloom more in 2025! Prayers for focus on our families during this important holiday season.