YHC could feel the summer-time blues setting in on the men of F3Lutz. A little bit of fartsacking going on but three of us were ready to ring the bell and take that #DRP this am in the gloom.
Conditions: Really, Really Wet after two straight days of torrential downpours here at #TheRanch.
Warm-up (All IC)
- SSH x20
- Squats x15
- Lunges x12
- Merkins x10
Mosey for a bit…..
- Imp walkers x20
- Windmills x10
- Pop Jacks x10
To the Roundabout:
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
- Bear Crawl around roundabout and on Q’s call stop and Pax #1 does 10 Merkins, then Pax #2 does 10, etc. We did 10 (Merkins) 8 (Curb Irkins), 6 (Werkins), 4 (Merkins), 2 (Diamond Merkins)!
Mosey to P Lot for Four Corners with Escalator:
- 10 Carolina Dry Docks then Frankenstein’s to cone 1
- 20 Plank Jacks then side Duck Walk to cone 2
- 30 Monkey Humpers then Crawl Bear to cone 3
- 40 LBCs then side Duck Walk to cone 4
Rinse & Repeat but….
- 10 Overhead Claps
- 20 Second Plank & 20 Sec Elbow Plank
- 30 Squats
- 40 American Hammers (20 IC)
Mosey towards Sunlake on LLR blvd and we did various exercises at each light pole to Sunlake and back down LLR blvd…..okay, so we mostly did Merkins. 7 sets of 10 Merkins and 2 sets of 30 sec Air Squares and 2 sets of 10 Lunges.
- Seated Windmills (DBA)
- Sweat Angels (No-Ski)
- Rosalitas (NSU)
- Dying Cockroaches (DBA)
- Plank/Side Planks/ Plank/Elbow Plank/Side Elbow Planks/Elbow Plank (No-Ski)
*We were toast at this point!
- Prayers for YHC traveling to Atlanta tomorrow with 2.0’s and looking forward to an F3Alpha beatdown on Thursday at the Rubicon!
- Prayers/Praise for DBA’s dad who is in visiting and we hope the current prognosis is on spot and no cancer! We will all be thinking of you and the family.
- Thinking of those fart-sackers and others who couldn’t join us today and missed the sweat-fest! We are formulating plans of how to motivate us all in order to eliminate the fartsacking epidemic :blush:
- DBA pushing through his back pain/soreness today and finished strong!
- Some chatter about the Merkin Challenge getting to us and how lots of our upper body muscles are barking back at us!
Total Distance Today: 1.44 miles
Total Merkins Today: 120