YHC promised a sweat-fest and it began in earnest right when the clock struck 5:30 am. We were off with our mosey around the dog park and back to the BB courts for the warm-up.
Warm Up: (All IC x10)
-Imperial Walkers
-Mountain Climbers
-Plank Jacks
Mosey to roundabout:
-Cotton Pickers x10
-Windmills x10
The Thang:
Partner up and side by side work around the roundabout doing……
Bear Crawl around once / 10 Merkins / 10 MHs and then Crawl Bear back / 10 Merkins / 10 MHs
*That second set of Merkins and Monkey Humpers were much more difficult after all the Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear action!
Black Snake run now to The Reserve at LLR for some Lt. Dans. Worked our way up to 5 and then back down 5-1.
*Some of us may have lost count here on both the Squats and the Lunges but felt the burn Fo Sho!! YHC believes it may have been the desolate, dark open land we were working out in……lots of real estate/roads out there. Many large, round hay bales that could be used for a Saturday beatdown/obstacle course!! They were in the darkness this morning so not in our sights.
Burp & Merk time up to 10! These went by a lot faster than YHC anticipated so next time we work our way back down from 10-1!
Black Snake Run back to roundabout for 1/2 Bear Crawl around the roundabout /10 Merkins/10 MHs and then 1/2 Crawl Bear/10 Merkins/10 MHs.
10 MOM:
-Crunchy Frogs
-American Hammers
-Sweat Angels
-Balls to Sky
-Superman x10 (3 count hold)
-Plank (5 slow second count per man)….immediately followed by 10 slow count Elbow Plank.
-Hollow Mans x3 (10 slow count per)
-Prayers for Fresh Prince as he is going through tough time with his Neck issues and prayers that the doctors have the wisdom and guidance to do the right thing and get him back out here with us.
-Continued prayers for Down Under & Heisenberg’s sisters and their families. Praise that Heisenberg’s sister’s surgery is over and we think it went well.
-Asked God for continued shelter and recovery for all the hurricane victims in the Southeast and Caribbean Islands.
-Prayers for all victims and families of the Vegas shooting.
Honored to lead the Pax today and super pumped at the progress and strides we have made since we started.
*Look for shirt orders to open back up soon and a link will be put on website and slack.