Warm and Foggy day to start a beautiful day. All PAX ready for the Thursday beat down in the beautiful LLR neighborhood.
Quick Disclaimer and Mosey to the round about.
Warm up in circle: SSH, Baby Arm Circle, Wind Mills, Cotton Picker, Imperial Walker, Plank Jack, Mountain Climber and Frankenstein (15 each). Q was huffing and coughing to miss the counts but was corrected by the PAX.
Mosey to the Parking Lot. PAX partnered up and formed two groups of each partner. Both group lined up facing each other leaving enough space between the groups for lunges. Each group did lunges to reach the home of other group. They did HillBillis when at home. Each group returned back to their home doing Reverse Lunges and ended with HillBillis. We did 2 rounds of this.
Slow walk (in count of 10) to the BB court and did 15 X-Factor and 15 Dancing Bear to relax.
Q had lit up 4 candles in 4 corners to represent the B.O.M.B.S. that have to be defused by performing following exercises:
50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats collectively with the partner. To make it Stink B.O.M.B.S one partner was to run around the dog park while other partner is doing the exercise. The partner who returns from the run has to do a random exercise called by the other partner doing the B.O.M.B.S.
PAX did their best to defuse the B.O.M.B.S but ran out of time and had to wrap up and defuse the B.O.M.B.S. by doing 20 Squats together.