A slight chill (60 degrees – HA!) and wet ground can’t scare off this PAX from a little Q-School action presented to you by No-Ski & No-See-Um! 12 Pax gathered after the 30 second warning was given before Beat Down started………….we had our morning ruckers hustling to the BB courts to get things started.
YHC (No-See-Um) explained the importance of trying to always give a 30 second or 1 minute warning to the PAX just so everyone is aware of the time and when the Q will be calling the beatdown to commence.
-Disclaimer (important to give almost every beatdown!)….should become habit for the Q, Mentioned the importance of starting and ending on time. While doing some SQUATS and then LUNGES OYO…..Mentioned ALWAYS Planting the flag & that the Q for next beatdown has the flag following the workout and No-Ski went over the 5 Core Principles & had the PAX repeat after them to make sure everyone understood.
Five Core Principles:
-Are free of charge
-Are open to all men
-Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
-Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.
-End with a Circle of Trust
YHC (NSU) explained how to call an exercise, how to count cadence to match movements,
command voice. Look around and engage the Pax, using proper form,
“If you can’t do it don’t Q it.”
“Next Exercise is _____Starting Position…Move…In Cadence….. Exercise!”
PAX to call out warmup exercises AFTER @NO-SKI or @NO-SEE-UM START all IC x10
*The Pax all did awesome job on the warm-ups……..although there was a noticeable ECHOOOOOO from somewhere in the group!
On to the Main Event as we moseyed to the FOP (Field of Pain) while YHC talked about leaving no man left behind, managing varying degrees of ability. F3 is for ALL fitness levels and always look out for the SIX. Assigning a “sweeper” to look after six!
At FoP circle up for Music Burpees (Tubthumping Song) wiht NO-SKI…… after Music Burpees quickly discuss PLANNING your Workout & be Organized! Write it down. Research on F3Nation.com/exercises/ Think about past workouts. What worked? What didn’t? If it is your first Q, run your ideas past someone who has Q’ed before. The more preparation you put in, the better experience it will be for the pax, and for you as the Q.
Move to the Hill and do some Tunnel of Love &11’s (Merkins/Monkey Humpers) with YHC. The Tunnel of Love seemed to be a crowd favorite as long as we can avoid the ant hills and work on our navigational direction……..ha!
YHC talked about how F3 workouts are about the Pax not about the Q. The Pax expect it to be challenging but you also do not want anyone to feel like they don’t belong because they can’t keep up.Q has a responsibility to start the workout with some kind of warmup. The workout should start out slow and ramp up as it goes. Modify as needed.
Move to the Pavilion area, where No-Ski let PAX call few exercises here @pax
Suggest: Balls to the Wall, High Five’s, Wall Sits with Slam Ball, Dips, Merkins/Derkins/Irkins, Leg Raises on bench, Step-up’s (as many done IC as possible). Pax chose Step-Ups, Dips, Derkins, Irkins, Balls to Wall, Wall Sits, Peter Parker Merkins…..maybe a couple more that YHC can’t remember at this time of night.
-Flat Tire & Haka battled it out for top dog in the Balls to Wall with Haka outlasting Flat Tire in the end ………even after some trash talking!
While walking/moseying to FOP NO-SKI talked about having too MUCH material for your beatdown rather than not ENOUGH! When you are tired, especially if this is one of your first Q’s, it is difficult to come up with new ideas. Better to have 55 minutes of stuff for a 45 minute workout, than to be at the 30 minute mark and out of ideas.
On to the FOP with YHC for some Thunderstruck music work……..Squat Jumps & Merkin/Planks! Feel the Burn!!!
Back to BB courts for extended Mary.
Let PAX call out the Mary exercises here keeping cadence and count correct
“Next Exercise is ___Starting Position….Move…In Cadence…… Exercise!”
Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Backblasts, COT, prayer requests, announcements, BOM.
-Prayed for all the Pax and any troubles or issues going on in lives.
-Talked about Toy Drive for Firestation.
-Welcome FNG-Cube and great to have another non-LLR resident. Now we can spread to another mega-neighborhood (Ballantrae).
-Frisbee quickly becoming a Pax favorite especially if he continues with the Umbros next post………….haha!
-Flat Tire working hard on his cadence today and seems to definitely be ready for his VQ………along with Needles who has that command Q voice down pat!! Looking forward to all the new VQ’s……….and remember there are slots open here in December!
-Toy Drive & Delivery/2.0 workout next Saturday the 16th and hopefully we will all come out in full force.
-Awesome to see the growth at F3Lutz and looking forward to what’s in store in 2018!