7 Pax posted this morning in the gloom and YHC had some special things planned. FNG – Deuce joined us and is one of YHC’s best friends from Savannah, GA so definitely wanted to make a good impression!
As the New Year is almost upon us, YHC mentioned at the beginning of the beatdown the need for us all to embrace change in our lives and had this quote to follow….
“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain”
Disclaimer given and on to the beatdown. After a mosey to the roundabout…….
Warm up: (All IC)
SSH x 15
IMP Walkers x 15
Windmills x 10
Cotton Pickers x 10
Merkins x 12
Mtn Climbers x 12
Mosey to Sunlake and circled up for some Circle Burp for three rounds and then team Jesse James planks while team Billy the Kid performs 10 Burpees for start of punishment for losing the November/December Challenge.
Lt Dans up to 5 Squats, 20 Lunges
Route 66 time with Burpees……….YHC figured all the Pax could get in on the Burpee action and contribute to Team Billy the Kid’s Burpee total for losing the Challenge. Yes, YHC is mentioning the losers (Team Billy the Kid) again and the winners (Team Jesse James) again…..:)
Indian Run back to the basketball courts for a new one that may have to be submitted to F3Nation.com!
Red Rover/Red Rover
*Start by splitting pax into two teams and each goes to opposite ends of BB courts.
First Round: Air Square with Duck Walk across when Team A calls out Pax from Team B!
Second Round: Plank with one arm out to side touching pax to the right (alternating arms) and Bear Crawl across this time!
Time for one round of Mucho Chesto!
-Prayers for all Pax during the New Year’s weekend.
-Prayers for the fartsackers and all those traveling during holidays.
-YHC especially thankful as the one year anniversary of F3 Lutz approaches on Saturday. Inspired and motivated by seeing all the effort and dedication by all the Pax who have come out and continue to post week in and week out! Honored to lead today as always!
*YHC asked the pax to think during the workout about change in their lives and what they might want to do different in 2018 and beyond.
YHC mentioned Accountability (with my family, work, and myself in all that I do ).
No-Ski – Tweaking everything in life to fine-tune being a better man, husband, father and to be a better leader at work.
DBA – Better at Life/Work balance and in backing off spending so much time at office.
Dillio shared a nice story about his wife’s grandfather remembering to this day a moment 70 years ago while playing drums for a group of people. Nice older lady sitting in front and telling him after he played how well he did and how much she enjoyed his playing. Moral…we spend a lot of our life criticizing or telling people/kids what they did wrong and should spend more time complimenting and lifting people up. Amen!
YHC left the pax with this quote before the COT closing:
“You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination”