Welcome to the Dishwasher…..ummmm, #TheRanch YHC means although it sure felt like a dishwasher this am as 6 Pax posted for this glorious, muggy gloom morning. It didn’t take long to work up a lather as YHC had something planned right away in Haka’s honor but his little footsie’s were too sore from the GORUCK over the weekend. Here’s what went down.
10 Burpees (In Cadence) right out of the gate to mirror what the F3 Lutz men did on Friday night right out of the gate…….except the number was 25!!
Mosey to dead-end: (All IC)
-SSH x 20
-Imp Walkers x 20
-Baby Arm Circles x20
-OH Claps x 20
-Merkins x 20
Indian Run back to B.B. courts:
-10 More Burpees (IC)
Mosey to far Roundabout:
-Mtn Climber x 20
-Plank Jack x 20
-Monkey Squats x 10 (These puppies are tough and YHC was feeling the burn here……..)
-Air Presses x 20
“The Rosey” (a la ‘Ring Around The Rosey)….will be submitting this soon to F3 Nation as a new exercise since F3 Lutz utilizes our roundabouts so well with this one!
-Grab a line and 10 Monkey Humpers at 1st line….Bear Crawl….then 10 Merkins at next line…..Bear Crawl….10 MH’s then BC, then 10 Merkins, all the way around.
*YHC & No-Ski may have been a little sluggish about halfway through as that GORUCK took a lot out us!
Indian Run to Sunlake and then back to B.B. Courts (DBA keeping up great and has started stepping up the sprint game for sure. Great job!!)….. Stopping halfway back for a Lunge/10 Squat catch me if you can Indian Run! YHC could tell this one was a crowd pleaser 🙂
At B.B. Courts….10 Burpees (IC).
Mosey to 2nd Roundabout:
-Crab Cakes x 20
-Flutter Kicks x 20
-Box Cutters x 20
-Crab Humpers x20
COP (Circle of Pain) at Roundabout:
-Grab a line and all Plank….first man sprints around roundabout back to his spot. Everyone rolls on back to 6”….then next man sprints around (alternate Plank to 6″), etc. Went two rounds.
Back to B.B. Courts for more Mary.
-LBC x20
-American Hammer x20 (Vanellope led this one In Cadence and Nailed It!!)
-Sweat Angels x20
-Plank for slow 10 count by each pax
10 Burpees (IC) to finish off the pain fest!
*Dillio continuing to quietly go about his business and putting in serious work with the Burpees…..looked at ease this am!
-Prayers for Endo and DBA’s 2.0 boys for quick recoveries.
-Prayers for Grouper and his 2.0’s for speedy recoveries from their stomach bugs.
-TAPs still with Team Michelle and may God give the family peace, comfort and courage. “Find Joy in the Journey”
-Hopefully Haka feels better and can make it back out on Thursday!
-Tough, muggy morning but all pax pushed hard and helped motivate each other to finish strong this am.
-Some legs were burning of those that attended the Saturday beatdown by Endo…….YHC hears some extreme pain was delivered!
-Canned Food Drive will take place from now through next Saturday, the 16th. The GORUCK one didn’t pan out like we hoped so we will do our own 3rd F food drive and find a place to donate.
-Also, another exciting announcement………3rd F Book Study to start soon. Everyone comment on Slack 1 or 2 book ideas that we can all consider doing. You do not have to participate but once we officially “start the book” will try and read 2-3 chapters a week and then discuss on Saturday’s at coffeeteria (or even at a 2nd F at In The Loop or wherever). Thinking of books about leadership, servitude, discipline, etc.
-Lastly, YHC commented to the other men at the GORUCK event that any and all of our brothers from F3 Lutz could have made it through the GORUCK and that is a Fact!!! Looking forward to the next CSAUP event we can all do together.