Boys were slacking to start the day with Burpees. Someone decided to Ruck all the way from Atlanta to join the beat down :-). Welcome Goldstar all the way from Dayton – Ohio.
5:30 AM and we started our day with quick disclaimer.
Jump Sqat – 12 (OYO)
Wind Mill – 12 (in cadence)
Groiners – 12 (OYO)
SSH – 20 (in cadence)
Tempo Merkins – 12 (in cadence) (go down 1,2,3 – 1)
Mosey to the round about ******
Frenkestine around the line – 2 Burpees in each line
1st set of BruceeLee (OYO)
Indian run to the parking area ********
Lunges from one point to another point
Merkins – 20 times
Sprint back – 20 squats
(5 rounds)
2nd set of BruceeLee (OYO)
Quick finishers waited for other BruceLees by doing SSH
Back to the Basket Ball Court and Circle up in Plank:
5 Burpee in turn
After Burpee – Monkey Humpers until next pax completes Burpee.
(3 rounds)
3rd set of BruceeLee (OYO)
There were some penalties due for folks HCing but not showing up. So all of us did Burpees for the last minute.
Thoughts and Prayers for Haka, his families and team Michelle. May God bless all of them with the ability to get through the tough time. Prayers for those who could not make to the work out and those who are travelling. Prayers for Peace around!!!